Tune In: How To Hear God's Voice

Joshua Knudsen

So you want to hear God's voice? That's great! The journey to hearing God is just that, a journey. It's not a moment, it's not a science, it's a relationship. It's doing the work to tune in to God and discover how He speaks to you. It's life-long and worth every moment. Grab your Bible and let's jump into the beginning of an amazing new world of hearing God.


Day 1: BFFs 

Did you know that Holy Spirit wants you to be His best friends. He lives in you and will never leave you! He is always with you. 


Are you making the Holy Spirit your best friend? 

What does that look like? 

Things to do: 

Today think about the fact that the Holy Spirit is with you. Talk to Him throughout the day like He's your friend.

Things to Read: 

John 14:16-18

John 16:5-7

2 Corinthians 13:14



Day 2: Following the Spirit


How do we get to the point where the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding us in our everyday lives and choices?

Are you committed to following the Holy Spirit instead of your own desires? 

Things to do: 
Ask God to make you aware of when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. Write down anything you think you hear, feel or God shows you in your Bible. 

Things to Read: 

Acts 8:26--38

1 Corinthians 2:10-12

Day 3: Tune In

Hearing God's voice is like tuning a radio. You tune into God by spending time with Him and in His Word!

Question: When is your special time with God? 

Things to do: 

Set aside a time each day that will be your time with God. Make a commitment to meet Jesus there. Set an alarm or whatever you need to do to make sure it happens. 

Things to read: 

Psalm 119:33-37

Day 4: Raising Your Antenna


Pilate said he wanted truth, but didn't stick around for the answer. Will you stick around and take the time to be with Jesus? 



Are you inclining your ear, leaning in, to hear God's voice. 

Things to do: 

Begin making it a practice to say Holy Spirit speak to me. Ask Him every day throughout the day. Stay ready to hear Him speak to you. 

Things to read: 

John 18:37

Proverbs 2:1-4

Day 5: Obey the Lord

The way to be God's friend is by obeying Him. If you don't obey Him and His Word, you will never be close to God or hear Him clearly. 


Is obedience to God a priority to you? 

Are you living a life of obedience to God? 

Things to do: 

Think about your life. Is there anywhere in your life where you aren't obeying God and you need to repent? Do it now!

Things to read: 

John 15:14

Psalm 25:14

Day 6: How God Speaks 

God "speaks" to you in so many ways! As you learn to hear God and build your friendship with Him, you will discover how He communicates to you, but it will take time to discover.


When has God spoken to you and how did He communicate? 

Things to do: 

Talk to God for a moment about your life and then just listen. What is God saying? Don’t hear anything? Keep listening quietly. Quiet your mind and heart. Stop being stressed about having to hear God. Just rest in the fact that He wants to talk is talking and you can hear Him.

Pay attention to how God communicates with you most often and write it down. 

Things to Read: 

Genesis 12:1; Psams 119:105; Ephesians 4:11-12; 2 Kings 19:11-13; Judges 6:36-40; Exodus 3:1-5; Colossians 3:15; John 14:26; Acts 10:1-16; Matthew: 2:13



Here are some ways God speaks to us:

The Bible- Reading the Bible tells you about God, yourself, guides you and helps you in decision making 

Leaders- Pastors, parents, prophets and otherwise people of God are often used by God to speak to us.

Circumstances- What’s happening in your life can tell you the direction God wants you to go.

Signs- These are usually used to help you know you really heard God. 

Audibly- You may not hear it a lot, but God can still do it!

In your Spirit- You may feel an urge or impression to do or say something. This is often the voice of God speaking to you in your Spirit! Sometimes, all you may hear is, “I love you.” And that’s enough.

Peace- One of the most important things to consider is if there is peace inside of you. You may be nervous but there should be peace even beneath the nerves.

Dreams- God will often speak to us in the night. Talk to a parent or pastor about this. 

Angels- God has used these messengers many times and still does. 

Visions- You may see these in you “mind’s eye” or played out in front of you. 


You did it! You finished it! But that's just the beginning of your journey to knowing God and hearing his voice! 

Try the devotional 10 Days with God to go even deeper!