Overcoming Depression by A. Ruiz


Day 1- You're Not Alone

Read: Psalm 34:17-18  ;Isaiah 41:10 ; Matthew 11:28 ; 1 Peter 5:7

Do you feel heavy and burdened? Cast your anxieties on the Lord, He will take care of you. 



Day 2- Time to Talk

Psalm 42:11

Are you keeping what you are feeling private? 

Speaking up is what will set you up to start moving towards change!  Decide who you will talk to to help you walk through this season in your life. Text them now and let set up a time to talk. 

Day 3- What are you looking at? 

Read: Joshua 1:9

What is your hope set on? 

Remember to keep your sight set on the Lord, the only one who will not fail you. What are you grateful for today? Counting your blessings can really help shift your perspective and give your comfort knowing you have things to be grateful for. 

Get a piece of paper or use the notes in your phone to write down what you're grateful for and tell God thank you for each one. 

Day 4- There's a Future for You!

Read Jeremiah 29:11

Are there relationships in your life not adding value? 

It is hard to cut relationships that are hindering you, but removing these bad relationships will help your mental state. Surrounding yourself with positive relationships is key. 


Think over your relationships. Write down anyone you know you need to begin to distance yourself from. Ask God and a leader how to begin this process. 

Day 5- 
Read 1 Samuel 30:6 

What are ways you can encourage yourself? 

Posting positive reminders on your mirror or fridge are great ways to remind you that you are loved, worthy, and blessed. 

Talk with a leader, parent, or youth pastor and ask them to help you create a list of what God says about you to put up where you can see it. 

We hope this helped you. If you know of anyone else who could help, be sure to send it to them. Follow A. Ruiz on Instagram at @a.ruizmusic and on YouTube. 

We are praying for you! You can make it through this!