One John-Is your Faith Real?

Joshua Knudsen

Week 1


Day 1

Read 1 John 1:1-10

John the apostle is fighting a false teaching called Gnosticism.  Gnostic means- to know. So the idea was that you could get salvation through special mystical knowledge, not from the Bible. They believe also that there is a perfect true God and a lesser deity who tried to create a material world but messed up and so we have a world of pain, and evil, BUT he also gave humans a spark of divinity which makes humans basically good spirit trapped in evil material bodies. They believed that because the material world is evil, Jesus didn’t actually come in a real physical body. It just looked like it was. Besides that being completely different than what the Bible teaches and what the apostles experienced, it also, meant that it didn’t matter if you sinned. Why? Because sin was only a part of your body. You were basically good and could do whatever you wanted because your body's actions didn’t impact your perfect spirit and soul. Therefore, you could do whatever you want because well that was just in your body.

What are some heresies that have gotten into the church today?


Do you know you’re Bible well enough to know when a teaching is false or even when something you heard on TikTok is untrue?


Make it a goal to be someone who knows the truth (God’s Word)

So well, you can identify lies.

Day 2

Read: 1 John 1:1-4



Here’s what John is proving, see if you can see how. Write the verse numbers next to the argument:

Jesus wasn’t a lesser deity he was co-eternal with God the Father.

He had a real physical body.

You don’t have special knowledge. God revealed the truth to the apostles and authorized them to teach the truth.


Write down in your journal what God showed you in these verses:

Day 3

Read: 1 John 1:5-7



Here’s what John is proving, see if you can see how. Write the verse numbers next to the argument:

God is light there is no darkness in Him so He did not create evil.

You cannot sin willy-nilly and be a part of the light


Write down what God showed you through these verses:

Day 4

Read: 1 John 1:8-10



Here’s what John is proving, see if you can see how. Write the verse numbers next to the argument:

If you sinned with your body, you sinned in your soul. There is no disconnect, no dualism (body and spirit being separate working yes entities.


Write down what God showed you through these verses:

Week 2


Day 1

Read 1 John 2:1-2


What did John say he was writing this letter for?


What do we know that can give us confidence if we sin?


What did Jesus do, that saves us from past sins and sins we will commit?



How easily do you confess your sin? Hiding your sin only gives the devil the ability to torment you.



Confess any sins you’ve been hiding to the Lord and to a person you trust. Get free today!

Day 2

Read 1 John 2:3-6

How can you tell if a person actually knows God?


Based on these verses, do you really know God?


If a person says they know God, but don’t obey Him, what does it make that person?


Obedience is the proof we know Him. Take a look at your life. Based on these verses, if you were accused of being a follower of Jesus, would there be enough evidence to convict you?


Day 3

Read: 1 John 2: 7-11

You can’t say you are living in the light and also, do what?


When you don’t hate others or treat others unlovingly, what does it cause them to do according to verse 10?



In verse 11 it says a person who hates another Christian has been blinded by what?


It’s time to take a look at your life. How is your love towards others? Are there people and especially Christians you aren’t loving well? If so, It’s time to repent and change!

Day 4

Read : 1 John 2:12-17

What does it mean to love the world?


The world is more than just things that are not Christian, it is the nature, philosophy, and way of thinking that is inspired by satan.


What does it mean if we love the world?


What does the world offer according to verse 16?


What is the promise for the one who does God’s will?

Day 5

Read 1 John 2:18-28

Write down what the Holy Spirit shows you through the verses.

Week 3

Day 1

Read 1 John 3: 1-3

Verse 1 invites you to see HOW MUCH GOD LOVES YOU. SO much He calls you His child!

Sit and ponder that. What does it make you feel and think?


What does it say we will be like when we see Jesus?


Because that’s the case, what should we be doing even though we aren’t in heaven yet?

Day 2

Read 1 John 3:4-10

Verse 6 says that if we CONTINUE to live in Him then we WON’T SIN. Why do you think that is?


It says that if you continue to live in sin then you don’t UNDERSTAND who He is.


Question: Who is Jesus?


Does your understanding of Jesus cause you to not want to sin and to live to please Him? Why or why not?


If not, it might be time to reassess if you’re actually a follower of Jesus.


Day 3

Read: 1 John 3:11-19

This section lets us know that love definitely has action to it.


Verse 15 says that if you hate someone, you are what in your heart?


How do we know what real love looks like according to verse 16?


Our actions give us boldness when we stand before God. Not because we have earned it but because we have nothing to be ashamed of.


Do you love people in a way that makes it so you can stand before God?

Day 4

Read: 1 John 3:20-24


Verse 20 is so powerful! God is greater than your feelings! Even if you feel guilty, but you know you’ve been living right, stand before God and know He’s greater!


Guilt will cause us to be ashamed and stay away from God, but He wants us to come to Him with what?


We can ask God for whatever we want if it what? (according to verse 22)


If you want to be in relationship with Jesus, what do you need to do?

Week 4

Day 1

Read 1 John 4:1-6

John is letting the people know that just because something SOUNDS true, doesn't mean it IS true.


In John’s day, what were things that they could use to prove what was true?



What are common lies we hear today that sound true but aren’t? Put the reference of the scriptures that prove they are wrong next to them.

Day 2

Read 1 John 4:7-13


Where does real love come from?



Why do you think love is the proof that we know God?



John defines REAL LOVE: Write the verse below.



Since God has loved us. What should that cause us to do?

Day 3

Read: 1 John 4:13-18


According to verse 15, who has God living in them?


Have you confessed that Jesus is the Son of God? When did you make this confession?



How do we grow perfect in love?



Was grow in God’s love, what is cast out?


Day 4

Read : 1 John 4:19-21


The motivation for loving others is because He did what?


What is proof that you don’t actually know God?


What is the command God has given? Write it below.

Week 5

Day 1

Read 1 John 5:1-5

If we love God, Whom will we also love?


According to verse 3, what does loving God look like?


Who is able to defeat the world and its traps and downfalls?


Isn’t this amazing? You don’t have to be a slave to sin, people’s opinions, or the worlds philosophy's!

Day 2

Read 1 John 5:6-12


What proved that Jesus was God’s son?


Even in your doubts, verse 10 tells us that we know it is true in our what? Is this true for you?


If not, talk to your youth pastor, parents or a leader about it.





Look at verse 12. If you have the son, what do you have? If you don’t have the Son,  what don’t you have?

Day 3

Read: 1 John 5:13-16


In verse 13, why does John say he wrote this book?


When we ask for what pleases God, what can we be sure of?



If we ask for what pleases Him, we can be sure of what?



Do you usually pray with God’s will in mind or your own?


How do you begin to learn God’s will?





Day 4

Read: 1 John 5:16-21

Today, everyone is so of offending others. But, John actually says we should do what if we see a fellow Christian sinning?


Why should we do this?


What don’t God’s children make a practice of?


How do we live in fellowship with the Father?

Great job! You read through the entire book of 1 John! Keep going. Learning how to spend time with God is huge! Start a new devotional on The Secret Place or Hearing God's Voice