Josh Biedel- Find the Key to Your Future...In The Past

Posted on 07/07/2023

If you HATE HISTORY you should watch this interview with Josh Biedel. If you love history, DEFINITELY WATCH THIS!

In part 1 we tackle. Why does the past even matter? What are we failing at right now that could be answered by looking into our history? Do not miss this interview! It could change your whole life.


Follow Josh Biedel on IG: @theos_athenaeum 


In part two, we discuss: The problems we are facing today are not new! Paganism and lack of morality is what the Church was started in! How did the early Church deal with it and how can we today?


Follow Josh Biedel on IG: @theos_athenaeum 



In this final segment, Josh answers the question: "What do you do if you don't feel "on fire for God?" And, How can we incorporate history and especially Church History into our lives and church services?

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Josh! Share this interview with someone you know too! 

Follow Josh Biedel on IG: @theos_athenaeum