What's Your True Identity?


We are excited to introduce a brand new devotional to help you discover who GOD says you are! Kevin Barnett, the author, has given us 10 devotionals out of his 34 devotional book. If you want more of this goodness, be sure to pick up the full devotional on Amazon. 

Copy and paste the URL in your browser and follow Kevin on Instagram.

To Purchase: Amazon: https://bit.ly/whatsyourtrueidentity   

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/whatsyourtrueidentitydevotional

Instagram: @trueidentitydevotional
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4euo-20-HX33VL1Nidwnjg


As Marvel Comic fans, we recognize that above phrase  from the movie, Captain America: The First Avenger. If you  will remember at a crucial point in the movie, the main  villain, the Red Skull, asks Captain America, “What makes  you so special?” Cap answers, “Nothing. I’m just a kid from  Brooklyn.”1 Now, as true as that statement might have been, in  fact there was something special about the man Steve Rogers  or as we fondly know him, Captain America. He might have  only been “just a kid from Brooklyn,” but we know, he was  so much more than that.  

What makes you so special? Is there a particular gift or  talent that you have? What have you been chosen to do? What  has God called you to do? It’s O.K. if you are unsure of the  answer right now, but just know that God has chosen you for  a perfect part. The part of you! 

Here is a good example. When Marvel Studios casts the  different actors and actresses to portray their characters, what  happens? They cast the best, possible person to play that character. The person that will be the best believable person  for that role. The person who can be that character. After they  cast Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, over the years people  have said, “nobody else could fit that role.” Robert Downey  Jr. IS Tony Stark. There will never be anyone who can fill  his shoes. When Marvel Studios began looking for the actor  that they wanted to portray Tony Stark and Iron Man, they  had auditioned many actors but the one actor who stood out  was none other than Robert Downey Jr. Now, if you know  his story, you know that his past was filled with drug use  and prison time. Let’s just say, he was pretty messed up but  Marvel saw something in him. They looked past his faults,  his failures, all of “shortcomings and mistakes” and they cast  him as Tony Stark/Iron Man.  

We all make mistakes, right? But those mistakes and failures  do not define us. They do not define our future, our destiny,  our identity or our purpose. They also cannot keep us from  moving forward or being who we are supposed to be! 

Question: Has there ever been a time in your life where you made a mistake and you thought your life was over... how did you get over the situation and move on? 

Think of all the people in the Bible who messed up, they  made mistakes, yet God still used them. When God looks at  us, He sees what we will and can become. I think of King  David. Remember his encounter with Bathsheba? But that  didn’t end his life or make him give up! Look at Abraham!  He messed up and tried to do things on his own to make  the promise happen that God had promised, but God gave  Abraham the promise of Isaac anyway! 

We tend to dwell on the negative and our current state,  but we don’t stop to think, maybe God has something in store  for us! Marvel saw something in Robert Downey Jr. They saw  what he could become, not what he was at the moment. They  chose him for Tony Stark/Iron Man. But one thing they did  come into agreement on was that the biggest risk would have  been NOT to cast Robert Downey Jr. for the role.  

Question: Has there ever been a decision that you have  made that was beneficial to you but, you know that if  you hadn’t made that decision that things would be very  different? 

God chose you to play the part of you in this bigger than  life movie we call “LIFE.” Why? Because He knew that you  were the greatest YOU before you were even formed in your  mother’s womb. Think about it. There is no one else that  could play the part of you.  

In Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP), it says, “Before I formed you in the  womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument],  and before you were born, I separated and set you apart, conse crating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  

 And in Psalm 139:13-14 and then verse 16 (TPT) it says,  13 “You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside  and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my  mother’s womb. 14 I thank You, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything You do is marvelously breathtaking.  It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly You know  me, Lord! 16 You saw who You created me to be before I became  me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days You  planned for me were already recorded in Your book.”

God is probably the best casting director, and the best  director. He’s even better than George Lucas or Steven Spiel berg or Jon Favreau. Think about it. Nobody else could have  played the part of Noah. I mean, can you imagine, having to  deal with all of those animals had to be rough! Nobody could  have played the part of Moses, but Moses. Nobody could have  endured the fire like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. No body other than Daniel could have survived a night with those  lions. God chooses the right person for the right job. Never  think, “Why God?” Thank Him for where He has placed you.  There is a MARVELous reward for playing your part.  

It’s better than an Oscar, a Golden Globe, an Emmy or  even a Grammy. There is a crown of gold waiting just for you!  God knows what He is doing. The clay doesn’t say, “I don’t  like this…or I’m not sure about that, or I don’t know, that  handle doesn’t look right or my nose could be smaller.” No,  it doesn’t work like that. The clay stays moldable and flexible  in the Potter’s hands. He knows what He is doing.  

In the book of Ephesians 4:11-13 and verse 16 (TPT) it  says, 11 “And He has appointed some with grace to be Apostles,  and some with grace to be Prophets, and some with grace to be  Evangelists, and some with grace to be Pastors, and some with  grace to be Teachers. 12 And their calling is to nurture and  prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry,  and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of  Christ. 13 These grace ministries will function until we all attain  oneness in the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what  it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one  perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and  fully developed in the abundance of Christ. 16 For His “body”  has been formed in His image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been given  divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts  operate effectively throughout the whole body, we are built up  and made perfect in love.” 

WOW! God knew you before YOU knew you. It’s just so  hard to imagine, but thank God it’s true. To think that the  creator of the universe thought about you from the beginning  of time. He chose you to be you.  

Even at times when we are unhappy with ourselves and we  question God, think of these verses. In Romans 9:20 (TPT) it  says, “But who do you think you are to second-guess God? How  could a human being molded out of clay say to the one who molded  him, “Why in the world did You make me this way?”  

Then in James 1:2-3 (TPT) it says, “My fellow believers,  when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties  see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy  that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs  up power within you to endure all things.” 

Now, go play your part. And be the absolute best YOU  that God made you to be!


Captain America is of course one of the more popular Marvel heroes and also one of the first ones that was introduced  back in the golden age of comics. Captain America was first  created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby back in 1941. The story  of Steve Rogers is a familiar tale. An unlikely underdog transformed into a victorious hero. It’s familiar not just because it’s a favorite of comic book fans and comic readers, but because  it’s our story too. In the Bible, God on more than one occasion  converted the most unlikely candidates into mighty heroes.  He still does so today. The fictional tale of Captain America  mirrors our Christian life in many ways. 

As we discovered in the last chapter, you have been chosen  to be you. Not because of what you can do, or what you can’t  do, you’ve been chosen because God knew He had just the  right part for you!  

In 1 Peter 2:9-10 (MSG) it says, “But you are the ones chosen  by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be  a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made  for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” To me, that sounds like God knows exactly what He is doing  and if He knows what He is doing...that’s good enough for me!  Surprisingly, Steve Rogers is chosen for this special project, not  for his strength, but for his weakness.  

In Captain America: The First Avenger, Colonel Chester Phillips  challenges Dr. Erskine’s choice, “You’re not really thinking  about picking Rogers, are you?” Erskine replies, “I am more  than just thinking about it. He is the clear choice.” Frustrated,  Phillips responds, “When you brought a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide. I thought, maybe he’ll  be useful to you like a gerbil. I never thought you’d pick him!”2 Curious isn’t it? Why would Dr. Abraham Erskine choose the  most frail and feeble candidate available? Steve wonders the  same thing. The night before his “procedure” that transforms  him into Captain America, Steve asks Dr. Erskine, “Why  me?” Erskine explains, “This is why you were chosen. Because  a strong man, who has known power all of his life, will lose  respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of  strength and knows compassion.”3 God tends to make similar  choices for similar reasons.  

Just like Dr. Erskine didn’t choose Private Hodge for the  procedure, God doesn’t necessarily always choose men with  big muscles and better physical qualities to do His work.  

1 Corinthians 1:27 (MSG) it says, “Isn’t it obvious that God  deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and  exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow  pretensions of the “somebodies?”  

And, 1 Corinthians 1:27 (Mirror Bible) says “It is almost  as if God deliberately handpicked the wacky of this world to embarrass the wise, the rejects to put to shame the noble.” I love  how that reads! 

Here is an example. When sending Samuel in search of  a new king, God warned, “Don’t judge by his appearance or  height...the Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People  judge by the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  (1 Samuel 16:7 NLT) God isn’t interested in people of great  power, position, or prestige by worldly standards; rather, God  seeks out those who are humble in heart - the meek, the lowly,  the oppressed, the wacky, the nobodies and the poor.  

As Dr. Erskine told Steve Rogers, “Now maybe what we  need is the little guy.”4 God loves the little guys!  Moses assured the Israelites of this when he said, “…the  Lord did not set His heart on you and choose you because you  were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest  of all nations!” (Deuteronomy 7:7 NLT) 

Look at David! When he went out to fight Goliath, he was  just a scrawny little kid with a slingshot. “The little guy!” But  what happened? He killed Goliath! God chose David to do  that very thing. It didn’t matter how strong or weak he was  because David had a destiny, because he was chosen. David  fulfilled that destiny. Not because of his size or what he did,  he was a shepherd and he defeated a GIANT! 

I absolutely love the story of Gideon. We’ll hear about him  several times in this book. For seven years Gideon grew accus tomed to being bullied and beat up. A nomadic tribe known  as the Midianites would wait until the Israelites had harvested  crops and raised their cattle, and then swoop down and raid  their farms, stealing what they could and then destroy the  rest. They were your run of the mill everyday neighborhood bullies. Gideon was a loser in his own eyes, but that didn’t  stop God! The Lord chose Gideon anyway and transformed  him into a mighty man of valor - a hero to God’s people and  to his own tribe. What God did for Gideon, He can do for  you! Perhaps you can identify with Steve Rogers or Gideon.  

Maybe you’ve looked in the mirror and seen a frail failure  or the runt of the litter. You might not be the strongest, the  smartest, or most successful person you know, but you know  what, that’s OK! I’ve got good news for you! God loves the  little guys! Because Steve was so willing and his heart was  pure, he was the BEST choice.  

He became even stronger, taller and filled with power  once he went through with the “procedure.” Just as Erskine’s  formula coursing through his veins transformed Steve from  the inside out, the Holy Spirit flowing through us begins to  change our hearts and minds and gives us strength and power!  We just have to be willing and open and positioned for what  God has for us. Remember...we’re chosen.  

Chris Evans turned down the role of Captain America 3  times! He was offered the part. He was chosen, but he had to  accept the part to be able to play the part and be what he was  supposed to be. Like Steve Rogers, you and I have been chosen  despite — and possibly even because of — our weakness. God  specializes in transforming zeroes into heroes.


In the Golden Age of Marvel comics, scientist Hank Pym  discovered groundbreaking and life-changing technology that  enabled him to shrink to the size of insects. He then designed  two types of shrinking suits, one for himself and one for his  wife Janet Van Dyne, and they became the crime-fighting  duo known as Ant-Man and the Wasp. In the comics, they  were part of the founding members of the group known as  the Avengers, fighting alongside Iron Man, Thor and Captain  America. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the story picks  up in the film “Ant-Man.” 

If there was ever a character that Marvel humanized and  made us really care about, I believe it’s Scott Lang. You will  see as we go through this chapter, and you may just end up  liking Ant-Man more than you thought you did! Scott Lang,  of course, is the person that Hank Pym watches, keeps an eye  on for a long time then chooses to be the NEW Ant-Man.  

In this chapter, “Purpose In The Passion,” I want to take  a closer look and a step by step of Scott’s journey from the first Ant-Man film to his part in Avengers: Endgame.  I believe it’s a great story of someone who was lost, try ing to find his purpose, trying to find his way, trying to do  the right thing, yet he ends up in a mess (in the Quantum  Realm) but ultimately ends up being the one who helps  the Avengers discover HOW to reverse the snap and bring  everyone back home.  

In my opinion, other than that rat, to me, Scott Lang  is the hero of Avengers: Endgame. But we will get to that in  a moment. We first meet Scott Lang in the first Ant-Man film, as he is being released from Prison. He was doing time  for being a thief. He gets out and he is adamant about not  going back. He wants to stay out of trouble, and regain his  relationship with his daughter. That is his focus. He wants  to fly straight and do things right. But, Scott’s weird gang of  friends tries to sway him otherwise. He gets a job at Baskin  Robbins, but that doesn’t last long because his boss finds out  who he is and what he did, therefore, discouraging him from  what his focus is. (sound familiar?) We try to do the right  thing, but distractions come in and get us off focus of what  we need to be doing.  

So, unfortunately Scott gets discouraged enough and gives  in to his “friend’s” request to do a “job.” That “job” ends up  getting him in trouble, BUT actually getting him into trouble  in a good way. How? His purpose of course is ultimately to  end up as Ant-Man. But there is a journey to your purpose.  Your purpose is driven by passion. 

After he got into “trouble” for doing what he thought  would help him, which it did in a way, Hank Pym saw great  potential in Lang. He told him, “I’ve been watching you for  a while now. You’re different. Now don’t let anyone tell you that you have nothing to offer.”19 Who can relate to that? God  watches over us and when the right time comes, He calls us  out and calls us for a purpose. At first some of us may ques tion, “Is this right?” After several failed attempts to master  the Ant-Man suit and its powers, Lang told Pym that he was  the wrong person for the job. He not only felt like a failure  as a father, but as a superhero. 

In the Bible, a man named Gideon also felt like he had  nothing to offer. The angel of the Lord appeared to him saying,  “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!”  

Judges 6:12 (AMP) says, “The Lord is with you, you mighty  man of [fearless] courage.” But Gideon could not see how God  was with him. Haven’t we all felt like that. We feel less than,  we feel like we may have nothing to offer and feel very small,  yet we know God is with us. 

God was determined to use Gideon and didn’t give up on  teaching him His ways, just as Hank Pym didn’t give up on  training Scott Lang. To demonstrate that He didn’t need vast  forces to defeat the invaders, God shrank the size of Gideon’s  army, cutting it down from 32,000 soldiers to a mere 300 men. 

Your purpose will not leave you alone. The passion inside  of you, should push you to whatever it is that you know God  has for you. If you don’t know what it is, the discovery should  be your determination to find out what it is. Scott spent the  first part of Ant-Man doing just that. Once he discovered how  to operate the Ant-Man suit and how to fight, he took another  step toward who Pym saw what he was to become. And of  course, by the end of the film he defeats the enemy and he  becomes the NEW Ant-Man. But, there’s so much more to  come for Scott. When we become who we are supposed to be,  we are used in ways that we never thought of or dreamed of. Philippians 4:13 (Mirror Bible) says, “In every situation I am  strong in the One Who empowers me from within to be who I am.” We see in the second film, “Ant-Man & The Wasp”, Scott  continuing to try to do what’s right and walk in his purpose.  However, at the beginning, if you remember he is on house  arrest for fighting with Captain America in Germany.  He got sidetracked and went to do what he thought was  right, but it got him into trouble. You can’t allow yourself to  get side-tracked or distracted when you are on your way to  your purpose or if you are walking in your purpose. It will get you into trouble! Maybe not house arrest, but it can cause  you some unwanted stress! 

In Ant-Man & The Wasp Scott discovers the Quantum  Realm and all of the weird and crazy stuff that goes along  with that. But that was a key to his journey that would soon  come in Avengers: Endgame. He had been there just once at  the end of the first film, but that was all he knew of it. Sometimes we discover things along the way that will help us in  the future in our purpose. Learn all you can, discover all you  can and never quit discovering the new and sometimes the  weird and the crazy! So, at the end of Ant-Man & The Wasp,  Scott, Hope, Janet and Hank Pym are all doing tests and  preparing to send Scott back to the Quantum Realm. Well,  it ended up being more than just a test; it ended up being a  waiting period. What do I mean by that? Even though it was  the “SNAP” that made him stuck there, it put Scott there for  a short time. A waiting period. Sometimes before we walk  through the door of purpose, there is a waiting period and  a time we are standing in line to be the next one to fulfill or  walk through our door of purpose!

Psalm 27:14 (TPT) says, “Here’s what I’ve learned through it  all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with  the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep  on waiting—for He will never disappoint you!” 

I’m sure Scott got a bit impatient when he was unable to  come out of the Quantum Realm. He was stuck there! But  with waiting, that becomes a learning time. We learn things  sometimes while waiting.  

We aren’t rushed into things; we are just in waiting. Some times that’s not a bad thing. So, that sneaky little rat was the  joked hero of Avengers:Endgame. Its possible God put him  there to get Scott out. Who knows! God will put things in mo tion when we least expect it, to get the ball rolling. And then  we are released unexpectedly! That rat was crawling around  and pushed the right buttons to release Scott. Unexpectedly!  He was released into his purpose! Because what happens next?  He ventures to find Captain America and then explains to him  about the Quantum Realm and how that could help reverse  what Thanos did! Yeah, it was crazy, but Scott’s purpose and  his knowledge and his learning carried over to everyone else.  Tony Stark dove into time travel, even though he told Scott  it was ludicrous. Isn’t that like God! Sometimes our gifts and  our learning and our purpose can help someone else! 

All that Scott had learned and discovered; it was used to  help the Avengers reverse what the enemy had accomplished!  There’s a word picture for you! Your gift, your anointing, and  you walking in the purpose that God has called you to, can  help reverse the enemy’s hold on someone’s life because of what  is inside of you! (GOD’S POWER!) How awesome is that?! 

So, all that Scott Lang went through was for a purpose.  Was it hard at times...yes. Did Scott question himself or why  he was going through all of that...I’m sure of it! Do we feel  like that sometimes? That’s a BIG YEP!  

But the Bible does say, in: 1 Peter 4:12-13 (MSG) says,  “Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the con clusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are  in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual  refining process, with glory just around the corner.” 

Scott could have said, “Okay, that’s enough. I’m done  with all of this.” Then he went into the Quantum Realm and  when he was released, he could have said, “I am so over all of  this.” But he didn’t. He knew he had a job to do and a job to  finish. What’s even more amazing, he didn’t even know about  Thanos until Cap told him. He wasn’t even aware of what the  enemy was doing or had done, but yet he still told Cap about  his experience and his Quantum Realm trip.  

Because of what he had experienced and learned; he  helped the Avengers plan to reverse the “SNAP!” Always  remember and keep this in mind. GOD KNOWS WHAT  HE IS DOING!  

Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) says, “I know what I’m doing. I have  it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you,  plans to give you the future you hope for.” That word Hope  means a positive imagination about what the word of God  says about you!


Captain Marvel is definitely a story about identity. It’s a  story about finding out who you really are, letting go of the  past and moving forward. “Higher, Further, Faster...”  

As with any hero, as we’ve seen over the past years in the  Marvel Cinematic Universe, they have all had to overcome  some kind of adversity to get to who they have become today.  Some having to go through some pretty rough things on  their journey. But in the end, coming to a final destination  that they truly believe is their reason for being, their reason  for living and their reason for who they are. Wouldn’t it be  simpler to just go from one point to another without the  in-between stuff...sure! But, as we all know the in-between  stuff makes us stronger, helps us learn and helps us when we  reach that final destination of who we are to be. 

In the 1960’s, in the comics, Carol Danvers made her  comic book debut as a beautiful and highly capable young  woman who had managed to overcome gender-typing and  excel in challenging military occupations normally dominated by men. She was already an ace fighter pilot, a former officer  in the U.S. Air Force, and a former CIA agent when she was  hired as the head of security of NASA headquarters at Cape  Canaveral. One of Carol’s co-workers at NASA was a Dr.  Phillip Lawson, who was secretly the alien Kree super-agent  named Mar-Vell. 

As we have come to find out, with the creative liberties of  the MCU to transition from the pages of the comics to the  big screen, Marvel once again has done an excellent job of  taking this character, Captain Marvel, and turning her into  someone that by the end of the movie we cared about, wanted  to see more, and cheered her on as she finally came to terms  with who she really was. The movie begins with Carol, or Vers  as we first know her as, having a dream of some kind. She  then wakes up and just ponders her thoughts for a moment  before getting up to go pay a visit to her friend, Yon-Rogg.  They do a little bit of fighting, then she makes a bad move  that sends her to the Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme  Intelligence is “supposed” to be in the form of the person  you most admire. But this persona that Carol sees each time,  she says she does not remember or know who she is. As the  Supreme Intelligence walks to her, she says something that  caught my attention.  

She says, “You struggle with your emotions, and with your  past that fuels them.”20 Our past can be an ocean of weight,  hurt, and emotions that fuel our daily emotions. Dwelling on  them, still stirring them up, and not letting them go can keep  us from becoming who we really are. As the movie moves on,  we see Carol do that very thing. 

When Carol is captured by the Skrulls, Talos hooks her up  to a mind reader and it’s there we see some of her past and the things she claims she doesn’t know anything about. It’s also  there we see the being that she sees every time she goes to the  Supreme Intelligence, that Carol says she doesn’t remember or  know who she is. But later finds out she piloted a plane with  her. She escapes the Skrulls and finds her way to Earth or as  they know it, Planet C-53. It’s there, she meets Agent Nick  Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. and she begins her journey to discover  who she really is. She and Fury (as he likes to be called) find  their way into P.E.G.A.S.U.S., a secret Government military  program. It’s there, Carol discovers a hidden secret, and the  beginning of her quest to find out who she is. She sets out  to seek and find answers, all the while still doubting who she  is and doubts all of the evidence and the flashes of memory  in her head. 

 Even when she finds her old friend Maria Rambeau, she  is still in doubt, until she hears an audio recording. It’s at that  moment it all comes back to her...she finally realizes where  she came from and who she is.  

Isn’t it funny? Sometimes it takes a bit of prodding and  pursuing and pushing for us to finally realize who we are after  we’ve been through a rough time. 

Once she finally discovers who she is and what her REAL  identity is, you can see her attitude change, her countenance  change and her whole demeanor change. Once you know who  you are, there is something about that. It gives you strength,  it gives you courage, and wisdom.  

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) says, “Before I formed you in the womb,  I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And  before you were born, I consecrated you [to Myself as My own];  I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” 

Carol came into herself, she finally realized who she was. She let the past go, even though her past was a lie, from being  taken from her home planet. She was made to think she was  somebody else. She is now who she is meant to be.  

There were women in the Bible that had similar issues  like Carol Danvers. They had to stand up, and fight adversi ty and come to a point to find out who they were and what  their purpose really was. Esther is an inspiring story about a  remarkable woman who was willing to risk her life to save her  people. She was a woman of principle who was willing to put  the lives of others ahead of even her own life.  

She was an outstanding example of serving others even  under the most stressful circumstances.  

Jesus Christ said in John 15:13 (TPT) “For the greatest love of  all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated  when a person sacrifices his life for his friends.” 

Most of the time our lives may be pretty routine, but all of  us have a few defining moments when we may be called on to  put godly principle above personal benefit. Esther modeled  bravery and courage when she risked her life to save the lives  of her people. She teaches us that we must break intimidation  and use our influence to bring glory to God. We all know the  story. Anyone who went before the king unannounced would  be put to death. Esther went boldly and bravely and did what  she knew she had to do. Despite how she felt. When she was  chosen as queen, she did not feel worthy or even want to be  there, but she knew what she had to do. She saved her family,  and her people even though she could have been killed by  taking that risk. Because she knew who she was, and she knew  God was on her side, she could not fail. 

Ruth’s story captivates and significantly challenges many.  She’s a widow from an enemy nation with no prospects. 

Yet, God moves so mightily in her story and uses it to  encourage millions.  

At the beginning of the book, Ruth is living in her home  in Moab; a place and people that the Israelites frowned upon.  On top of that, she had lost her husband and was living with  her widowed mother-in-law. She also lost her husband without  a child, some believing she may have been barren. The pain  Ruth must have been in was immense but she didn’t allow  her past to hold her back. Ruth showed remarkable faith for  such a young believer. She had the faith to believe that God  was who He said He was and faith to believe that God would  provide for her and Naomi. Her bravery, faith and obedience  can encourage us to be better followers of Christ.  

Ruth was able to overcome her past by giving her life over  to the living God. By turning from her idolatrous way of  life she was able to be used mightily of the Lord as the great  grandmother of King David. By definition, a fearless woman  is strong when it comes to facing hard situations. They are  confident in who they are and what they believe, and in their  example of fearlessness, they encourage others to be coura geous and make a difference. While many think of men when  it comes to strong figures, there are also many important  women in the Bible who inspire us, not only because of how  they lived but because of their rock-solid faith. We can learn  a great deal from their stories. 

Carol may have gone through turmoil in her head, and  dealt with fear, anger, hate, uncertainty, and even struggled  with her identity.  

The whole time when she was basically kept in captivity  after being taken from her home, they lied to her, told her  she was something that she wasn’t, and that’s what the enemy will do. He’ll get you away from what you really are, and tell  you lies to go a different direction. You’ll try and try, and try  but it will just get you nowhere.  

When it came time to move and to step out of where she  was at...it was then, that everything opened up to her. She  remembered; she finally saw who she was. Remember when  the Supreme Intelligence kept calling her Vers? She stood  up to her and said, “MY NAME IS CAROL!”21 When you  discover who you are, there is NO ONE who is going to tell  you different. When you let go of everything that is behind  you, it frees you! She fell many times as a child and growing up, and tried to be somebody. But what happened?  

She got back up EVERY time. I love the scene where she  says, “I’ve been fighting with one hand behind my back. What  happens when I’m finally set free?”22 When you are FREE, you  are unstoppable, unshakeable, and immovable. NOTHING  can stand in your way.  

Philippians 3:13 (TPT) says, “I don’t depend on my own  strength to accomplish this; however, I do have one compelling  focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future  instead.” Carol let go, forgot the past, found out who she is... 

and now is set on the path for her destiny.


When you think about Thor, you of course think of a big,  strong, muscly type being with long blonde hair that holds  a magical hammer and calls down lightning from the sky.  Right? Well for the most part you would be correct. However,  we know that from the events of Thor: Ragnarök, he loses his  long blonde hair, his hammer and his home and everything  pretty much goes south at the end of the movie including the  post credits scene. But, before we go any further, let’s go back  to the beginning when we first met Thor. 

We first met Thor in the MCU, when he was about to  be crowned King of Asgard. Then wouldn’t you know it, the  Frost Giants interrupted that ceremony. So, Thor takes his  band of warriors to Jotunheim along with Loki.  

Angry at Thor, Odin casts out Thor to Midgard or Earth  where he loses his power, he loses respect from his father and  is told he is UNWORTHY.  

The whole movie tells the story of how Thor just wants  to win back the honor of being worthy to once again wield his hammer, Mjölnir. And take his rightful place as King of  Asgard.  

It’s interesting that along our path of doing what we know  to be right and trying to be called worthy, even though we  are, we STILL try to do things in our own strength and we  just want to be somebody. So, we know at the end of the  movie, Thor gets his hammer back, gets his power back and  is “worthy” to wield Mjölnir once again. 

We all deal with life struggles. We all deal with things that  get us off focus and get us off course and we steer to the left  or to the right. But never once do we become unworthy of  God’s love, His protection, or His power in our lives. 

Ephesians 2:10 (Mirror Bible) says, “We are engineered by His  design; He molded and manufactured us in Christ. We are His  workmanship, His poetry. We are fully fit to do good, equipped to  give attractive evidence of His likeness in us in everything we do.” 

If we mess up, God does not say, “Okay that’s it. Not  worthy.” No. He doesn’t do that. His completed work at the  cross made us worthy. It made us blameless! Yes, we mess up!  Yes, we blow it royally sometimes, but in our mess, in our  mistakes, in our lowest point, God picks us up, He rescues us,  because He loves us and sets us on course once again. 

We are our own worst critic, and our own worst enemy. I  know I am! We will condemn ourselves faster than anybody  will. Yes, people may condemn us, and then we believe it.  But thankfully Romans 8:1 (Mirror Bible) says, “Now the decisive  conclusion is this: in Christ, every bit of condemning evidence against  us is canceled.” 

Amen to that! 

So, at the beginning of Thor: Ragnarök we see Thor captured  and in a cage. He gets free to get back to Asgard. He then discovers the truth about Loki and his father, and then learns  he has a sister. He loses his father, he loses his hammer, his  hair, then he spends the next part of the movie being captured  again! At this point Thor is pretty depressed and if anybody  needs a hug it’s him. But our hero is tenacious and stubborn  and he presses on to find a way out and get back to Asgard.  Thankfully he has an “old friend” that he stumbles on, and  finds his way back to Asgard to let destiny happen.  

And you know the rest. Asgard is destroyed and he is left  as King after all. Until...and that is where we pick up next  with the events of Avengers: Infinity War.  

Every MCU movie, it has been leading to this. Where we  face the great and mighty Thanos. At the beginning of Aveng ers: Infinity War we see the ship where Thor and Loki were  at the end of Thor: Ragnarök. To make a long story short, it  has been destroyed and Thanos and his minions have killed  hundreds and taken over. Thor is bound up, Loki is killed  and Thanos goes through his time portal, leaving Thor and  everyone on board to die. Poor Thor! He’s been through a  lot in the last couple of movies. He’s not the same Thor we  remember from that first film. Thor is different. He’s changed.  He’s grown up. It’s interesting how circumstances and situations and “life-issues” will make us grow up and change the  way we live. 

Through most of Avengers: Infinity War, we don’t see that  much of Thor, because he is doing everything he can to get his  new weapon, and go find Thanos. Plus, if you will remember  when Thanos killed Heimdall, Thor said, “You’re going to die  for that!”27 So, Thor creates his new weapon, “Storm Breaker,”  finally meets up with his fellow Avengers, fights a few weird  looking creatures, runs into Thanos, and just when Thor thought he had him on the ropes, Thanos says as he snaps his  fingers, “You should have gone for the head!” In a lot of ways, I believe Thor felt responsible for what  happened. He was down on himself. If you will remember at  the beginning of Avengers: Endgame. He felt like he had failed.  All of his strength and his power and he couldn’t stop Thanos  from what he did. So off they go to hunt for Thanos. They  find him, and try to right the wrong and they find out that  the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. In anger and without  haste, Thor “goes for the head” and walks off in defeat. We  have all had those moments in our life, where no matter how  hard we try, or no matter how much power or strength we  put forth, it just doesn’t seem to be enough. We run out of  steam so to speak and then what do we do? We do just what  Thor did. We go into hiding and into our own little self-pity  party and our own little funk. Yep. We’ve all done it. I know  I have. We think all is lost and nothing will ever get better.  But fear not! There is hope! 

1 Peter 4:12-13 (MSG) says, “Friends, when life gets really  difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job.  Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ  experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just  around the corner.” 

You’ve heard the phrase, “there is light at the end of the  tunnel.” Thor is on the brink of experiencing that light at the  end of the tunnel. He feels as though he has failed miserably.  He failed his friends, failed his people, he is feeling unworthy  and un-needed. Sound familiar? 

Let’s jump ahead to the travel through time. He is already  a mess, and is not sure if he can do it. But in the time travel  part of Avengers: Endgame, he runs into his mother. Oh, those good ol’ talks with mom. She gives him a good pep talk, but  before it’s time to leave, he stretches out his hand for Mjölnir,  and BAM! It comes to him. He happily says, “I AM STILL  WORTHY!”

Even though he went through all of what he did, he felt  like he failed, messed up, was just bound to wallow in his  self-pity forever, it took the encouragement of his friends, his  mom to “snap” him out of it! That is why it’s good to have  friends and fellow believers in your corner. We need each  other! Thor got his confidence back, when he knew he was  still worthy! You never have to lose your confidence, because  Jesus has made you worthy! Never feel like you don’t matter.  We may go through hell and high water sometimes in our  lives. We may feel just like Thor did, and go into hiding and  into a self-pity funk, but you don’t have to. There are people  who love you and want the best for you! You are worthy! You  may not wield a hammer or a particular weapon that can  produce lightning or call down thunder, but what you have  on the inside of you is much more powerful.  

Colossians 1:22 (TPT) says, “He released His supernatural  peace to you through the sacrifice of His own body as the sin-pay ment on your behalf so that you would dwell in His presence.  And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for He  sees you as holy, flawless, and restored...” 

You possess that power BECAUSE you are worthy. You  may feel cast out and hurt and feel like you have to crawl your  way back in to gain back the power and the position you once  had. But you DON’T HAVE to strive for it! You’re worthy,  because Christ is worthy. You’ve been made righteous and you  are royalty. A son, a daughter of the MOST HIGH KING. 

I love in Thor: Ragnarök when he is fighting against Hella,  he has a flash back or a revelation. He tells Odin, “I don’t  have my hammer.” Odin replies, “Are you Thor, the god of  hammers?” The power and the ability is inside. Always was  and always will be. Don’t rely on physical things to be your  “power” or be your “source” …your source and power is the  Holy Spirit inside of you. What does it say in Acts 1:8 (AMP),  “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when  the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” 

ABILITY, EFFICIENCY and MIGHT! That is what the  Holy Spirit inside of you gives you! I guess if we had a “ham mer” or a spiritual tool, which we do, the Word, but if we  had an actual hammer like Thor, the inscription could read  something like this: “Whosoever has the Holy Spirit, they are  worthy, and they shall possess the power of God!” 

We have the power inside of us. And we can do the things  that Jesus did and greater…whether it be fighting off the  enemy, or healing the sick.  

John 14:12 (Mirror Bible) says, “I want you to be fully con vinced about this, anyone whose belief concludes in Who I Am,  will also do the works that I do. And because of My relocation  to continue to be face to face with My father, the works that  the believer will do, will be of greater proportion and of global  influence; the Father is as present in you as He is in Me.” 


In this chapter we are diving into the complicated and  mischievous life of one of Marvel’s most loved (and hated at  the same time) villains, Loki. The Loki that most of us know is  the Prince of Asgard, Odinson, rightful heir of Jotunheim, and  God of Mischief. He is, as he states in the Avengers “burdened  with glorious purpose.”31 We will briefly discuss Loki’s comic  history, to give you a comparison from the comics to the big  screen. All in all, you will see that Loki is just an all-around  mis-fit and someone who just wants attention and fame. 

Loki was born to the Frost Giant, King Laufey of Jotun heim. He was abandoned due to his size as a baby. After slay ing Laufey, Odin, ruler of Asgard, found Loki and took him  and raised him as his own son along with Thor. Constantly  witnessing the loving relationship between Odin and Thor,  this sparked jealousy and rebellion from Loki.  

Motivated by envy, Loki channeled his pain into pulling  pranks on his brother and plotting a way to become ruler  of Asgard. In his early years, Loki suffered from feelings of isolation and unequal treatment from his father. His misery  and jealousy heightened when Odin granted Thor the mystic  hammer, Mjölnir. Loki was constantly overshadowed by Thor  and his possession of Mjölnir.  

Now let’s take a look at the MCU Loki we all know and  love...or do we? 

Loki was raised as the son of King Odin and Queen Frigga  of Asgard. He studied magical arts earning the title, “The God  of Mischief.” Loki believed himself to be the rightful King of  Asgard. During Thor’s banishment to the realm Midgard, or  Earth, Odin revealed to Loki his true parentage. Furious that  he had been lied to all his life, Loki set out on several paths  to prove his worth of the throne and superiority over Thor. 

If you have seen any of the Thor movies you know the story  of Loki. He tries to become a king, and ruler over earth, well  that backfires because of the Avengers, and he eventually loses  the battle of New York. Thor takes him to Asgard where Odin  ultimately throws him in prison for his actions and wouldn’t  you know, Thor lets him out to help save Asgard from the  Dark Elves, and Loki supposedly ends up being killed, or so  we thought.  

It turns out Loki fakes his death and we see him again in  Thor: Ragnarök where Loki plays the side of the good guy  with his brother Thor and we all know how that turns out.  The people of Asgard escape Ragnarök and fly out into space  only to be captured by Thanos. Now, let’s stop there and go  back just a bit.  

If you will remember at the end of Thor where Loki fights  Thor and tries to kill him, but does not succeed and ends up  falling into space into the great unknown. Or so we thought.  If you will remember the stinger at the end of Thor, we see 

Dr. Selvig being taken down to a place with Nick Fury to  talk about the Tesseract. It’s there we see Loki reappear and  has interest in the Tesseract by saying, “Well I guess that’s  worth a look.”

The next time we see Loki is in The Avengers, where he has  gone to Thanos, has been given direct instructions to get the  Tesseract for him, because it’s one of the Infinity Stones. He  is given a scepter and off he goes to try to conquer the world. 

Now, let’s get back to being captured by Thanos. Loki of  course dies in Avengers: Infinity War, but due to time travel  in Avengers: Endgame, we see the Loki from 2012 disappear  through a portal with the Tesseract.  

Now, I’m sure you’re probably wondering after all of that,  how do we find any Biblical truths? I thought you would  never ask. You really can’t talk about Loki and not talk about  Thor because they were brothers.  

A similar pair existed in the Bible and their names were  Jacob and Esau! You can read their story in Genesis 25. In comparison, Loki is clearly favored by his mother and  Thor who wields Mjölnir is clearly favored by his father. In  the end with a surprising twist, Loki ends up sitting on the  throne with the rights of the first born, after all.  At the end of Thor: The Dark World, Loki is seen on the  throne but disguised as Odin. The parallel to Rebekah’s use of  disguise and trickery to aid her favored son Jacob to acquire  the birthright of the first born, is un-mistakenly similar.  Bottom line is Thor was chosen to be the rightful king. Loki  was filled with anger, hate, rage, abandonment, and jealousy...which was the big one. Loki’s whole life was filled with  knowing that Thor was going to be the one to take the throne  and he wanted to do everything in his power to make sure that didn’t happen. I think we have all felt like Loki at one  point or another in our life. Maybe with a brother or sister, a  colleague that got the promotion over you or that one friend  that did something that you’ve wanted for years. Jealousy can  be a monster that can get us into all kinds of trouble. It can  lead to hate, bitterness, anger, rage, and just make us really  irritable or no fun to live with.  

Question: What are some Loki times in your life where  there was someone who got something you wanted or got  the better end of the stick? How did you handle it? 

I think another big thing in all of this is acceptance. We all  want to be accepted. We all want a place to fit in. When we  don’t feel like we fit in, we get uncomfortable, jealous, angry,  bitter and it throws us into self-pity and believe it or not it  can affect our physical body if we let it grow deep.  

Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT) says, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try  to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than  yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take  an interest in others, too.” 

Jealousy can lead to selfishness as well. Jealousy and looking  out for ONLY yourself is a way to not have that many friends  or people who want to be around you. But look at what drew  him to feel that way his whole life. This all goes back to the  identity thing which is what these short chapters and this  book is all about. Except this one didn’t turn out quite like  the others. Loki ended up not really fulfilling whatever destiny  may have been waiting for him. Because of his rebellion, and  hatred and jealousy he didn’t have a happy ending. Sorry...I  guess the bad guys don’t always get a happy ending. 

So, whatever you feel about Loki don’t let yourself slip into  that kind of thinking and living that everything inside of you  leads you to a not so happy ending. Don’t let jealousy get the  best of you. Be who YOU were meant to be and a fantastic  destiny awaits you! God promises it! 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (CEV) says, “I will bless you with a future  filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. You will  turn back to Me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers.  You will worship Me with all your heart, and I will be with you.”72

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, we finally got the chance to meet Sam Wilson, or as he is known, the Falcon. Anthony Mackie portrayed him in the film. Falcon was Mar- vel Comics’ first African-American superhero. Falcon’s origin story in the comic books is of course different from the one that is played out in the movies. But we’ve come to expect that from the MCU.

In the comics on a flight to Rio de Janeiro, Sam’s plane crash-lands in the Caribbean and it’s there he encounters the Red Skull. The Red Skull uses the cosmic cube to create a whole new personality to make him think he is someone else, but he also makes Sam, Captain America’s sidekick, and together they defeat the Red Skull. Sam Wilson is originally from Harlem, where his father was a fairly well-known preacher. How about that?!

When Sam was just 16, he turned his back on his faith and told his parents that he would not be joining “the church.” The next night, Sam’s father was killed trying to break up a fight and then two years later, a mugger shot his mother. So as a result, Sam became bitter at the world and was soon deeply involved in crime. Sam found a way to overcome his grief and being “angry at the world” and became a respected community volunteer and social worker. (Which was one of the things that actually played out in the movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He worked at the V.A.) He worked very hard to better his community. His meeting with Captain America gave him a chance to become the Falcon, and that gave him a new outlook on life.

In the movies of course, Sam Wilson has no powers. He is simply a good fighter with a suit that enables him to fly. And once again, you really can’t talk about Sam Wilson or the Falcon without bringing up Captain America. In the comics the Falcon was Cap’s sidekick and best friend. They fought many battles and foes together.

Many of us have had trials and issues just like Sam. In the comics he lost his parents when he was little, became angry and bitter and that led him into crime and who knows what else. It was at the first meeting of Captain America that Cap stepped in and helped restore faith and goodness in Sam. I’m sure at some point in all of our lives, we have had that moment of stepping away from what we believe and going a different route.

But thankfully, someone stepped in and helped us and pulled us out of where we were. Like Sam Wilson, many people today were raised in good God-fearing, Christian homes and they have heard the gospel, but they have never really received it.

Jesus taught about those kinds of people in a parable.

In Matthew 13:3-8 & 19 (TPT), it says, 3 “Consider this: There was a farmer who went out to sow seeds. 4 As he cast his seeds, some fell along the beaten path and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell onto gravel that had no topsoil. The seeds quickly shot up, 6 but when the days grew hot, the sprouts were scorched and withered because they had insufficient roots. 7 Other seeds fell among the thorns and weeds, so when the seeds sprouted, so did the weeds, crowding out the good plants. 8 But other seeds fell on good, rich soil that kept producing a good harvest.” “19 The seed that fell on the beaten path represents the heart of the one who hears the message of the Kingdom realm but doesn’t understand it. The adversary then comes and snatches away what was sown into his heart.”

In John 6:63 (TPT) it says, “The Holy Spirit is the One Who gives life, that which is of the natural realm is of no help. The words I speak to you are Spirit and life. But there are still some of you who won’t believe.”

Have you heard the phrase “seeing is believing?” Our human nature can be so “hardened” that we experience so much good and can be around things of God or Christianity but we still don’t believe. All of us have “heard” the gospel. All of us have experienced the love of Jesus. It is so sad when those who know and have heard, turn away. We get our eyes and thoughts off of what is right and we let other things in that shouldn’t be coming into our spirits. Just like Sam did.

The Red Skull messed with his mind. Basically, lied to him and got him to turn away from what he knew was right. Isaiah 40:31(TPT) says, “But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk-through life without giving up!”

God knows of tragedies and pain that have wounded you and He longs for you to realize that He’s watching over you every single second of your life. He wants to breathe life into your spirit. Even when you are inclined to turn away and go a different direction, He can reveal to you that faith in Him makes sense after all.

So, here’s a guy who battles with identity as well after many tragedies in his life. In one of the comics telling of Sam’s story, someone being a preacher friend, comes to Sam and he says, “There is so much hidden inside of you. So much you have not allowed yourself to remember,” (remember the Red Skull messed with his mind).

The preacher tells him to stop hiding behind the masks and be who you are and were meant to be. Set the REAL Sam Wilson free! And it says all at once Sam remembers who he is. Sam says, “I know now who I am, what I am, and never in my life have I felt so FREE!”It’s true. The real truth will set you free!

Christianity is very real, and don’t let anyone tell you different! It doesn’t matter what you may have seen with your eyes that has made you bitter or possibly turned off...you don’t have to abandon reason and make a leap into darkness just because of maybe something somebody said, did to you, or something that happened when you were a child. Soften your heart. Receive His word and ALL He has for you. Just like the scripture says, you too can “rise up with soaring wings like eagles.” ​

The Fantastic Four, otherwise known as the First Family of Marvel Comics, has a rich and interesting origin. As with some of the other heroes that we have discussed in this book, you can’t talk about one without the other. The same goes for Reed Richards or as he is known, in the Fantastic Four, “Mr. Fantastic.”

A bit of history and origin of the Fantastic Four begins with the creator, Stan Lee. I love how the story goes. When Stan was working for Marvel Comics back in 1939, he was working his way up the ladder to become the editor-in-chief. For decades, Marvel’s only successful title figure was Captain America and the company was struggling to compete, strangely enough, with DC Comics. They had more of the popular characters back then such as, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Stan was about to call it quits when his wife urged him to create a new team of characters that he found interesting, and do it the way he wanted to do it. Characters that he could relate to personally. Prior to this, most of the superheroes that were out there, were idealistically perfect people with no serious lasting problems, and who always got along with one another. So, in 1961, acting on his wife’s advice, Stan Lee created a team of superheroes who were flawed, imperfect, and even argumentative. He called them, “The Fantastic Four.”

The journey to becoming the Fantastic Four, starts with a test flight of a space shuttle designed by Reed Richards, one of the world’s foremost scientific minds. During the mission, cosmic rays bombarded the ship and forced it to crash land back on earth. Come to find out after the crash, Reed along with Sue Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm, had been endowed with fantastic abilities. Since we are talking about Reed Richards, or Mr. Fantastic, we’ll try to focus on his abilities alone for the rest of the chapter.

Reed Richards, called Mr. Fantastic, ends up with a power that is well...there’s no other word for it but...weird. After being exposed to the cosmic rays in space, he is able to stretch his body into any shape he wishes. Who wouldn’t want that right? Reed has a lot on his shoulders. He has taken these friends into space, and now they have come back with these odd and weird powers.

Keep this is mind as we continue. God gives you what you NEED. Not what you want. As perplexing and strange as all of their new powers, it seems to have been for a purpose and a reason. We will never know what was going through Stan Lee’s mind when he created the Fantastic Four, or any of the heroes that we have talked about for that matter, but here we bump into purpose and a hint of identity once again.

Before going into space, Reed Richards was just a scientist who studied all of the things that we cannot even begin to imagine. Physics, math, space, numbers and science and stuff. He would have got along well with Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. Reed had no idea what would happen when they went into space. But it seems that afterward their lives were changed, they came into who they are today and they walked into a new purpose and a new outlook on life. God has given all of us gifts to use. And it’s up to us to use them to the best of our ability. We may not have gotten them from cosmic rays in space, but they are important if God gave them to us to use for His glory.

Look at what it says in 1 Peter 4:10 (AMP) “As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God’s many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].”

I look at it this way. Reed along with his friends, even though they had no idea what would happen, he positioned all of them for purpose. They may have thought they would have gotten a different outcome or possibly made a great discovery.

But instead, Stan Lee with his wonderful imaginative mind, made them come out of that with superpowers! (Well of course, that’s what he was writing...superhero comics!)

When you position yourself for purpose, you don’t know what is going to happen, you just position, and brace yourself for what comes next. When you get on a ride that you have never been on before, you don’t know the outcome or what is going to happen. You just know that it looks fun and you want to try it out! So, what do you do? You position yourself in the seat or whatever and brace yourself in, and go with what the ride does and wherever it takes you.

You don’t determine where the ride goes, the ride determines your destination and where it goes. The same goes for a lot of what we do in our Christian walk. Each of us has a purpose. Once we position ourselves for that purpose, the rest is just like that ride. The destination is already prepared, we just have to stay in position and not get off track or lose sight of what we are doing or where we are going.

Another point to consider, Reed’s powers allowed him to stretch into anything he wanted to. When God gives us anointings, talents, and gifts to use for Him, there has to be a certain amount of flexibility.

You may find yourself getting stretched and used in a way you never thought of! The more you do what you’ve been called to do, there is a greater flexibility that allows you to grow and get stronger in those abilities! Look at Joseph. In Genesis 37-50, Joseph goes through failure to freedom! From prisoner to prince. His purpose came through just trusting God. Knowing that when he was thrown in prison, that wasn’t the end! I look at the prison time of Joseph, The Fantastic Four’s trip to space. The tragedy of what happened, wasn’t supposed to happen. But when they got back to earth, they were changed. Changed for a purpose. Joseph had some time to change and think while he was in prison, and when he was released, he became the second man in all the land. The prison time ended up being worth it, because it led him to his destiny and purpose. Don’t let side tracks and distractions and bumps in the road keep you from pushing on to what you know God has for you.

It says in 1 Timothy 4:14 (TPT), “Don’t minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life...”

When you position yourself for purpose, it allows God to take you and use you for His glory. To put you in places, positions, and sometimes predicaments that we have to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us. Not getting us off track, but helping us get closer to that destination.

The reward that the Fantastic Four receives is nothing compared to what our reward will be, but knowing that we are in the right place and the right time and doing what God wants us to do....is a good position.

It says in Colossians 3:23-24 (TPT), “23 Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord Himself and not merely for others. 24 For we know that we will receive a reward, an inheritance from the Lord, as we serve the Lord Yahweh, the Anointed One!”

We first meet T’Challa or as he is better known, the Black Panther, in the movie Captain America: Civil War. The Soko- via Accords had just been signed and they were to be ratified in Vienna. Natasha Romanoff was the only member of the Avengers that was present at the hearing. It’s there she meets T’Challa and his Father T’Chaka who is King of their home country of Wakanda. During the meeting there is a huge explosion that takes place and destroys part of the building and kills King T’Chaka. It was thought that Bucky Barnes was the cause of the explosion and T’Challa is ready for revenge on Bucky because he thought that he killed his father. When Natasha tries to talk to him, she tells him, “The task force will decide who brings in Barnes.” T’Challa replies, “Don’t bother Miss Romanoff. I’ll kill him myself.”

We all have moments in our lives when everything is going smooth and everything is going right. We are surrounded with the ones we love and then the next thing we know out of nowhere tragedy strikes. We are left hurting, wounded, angry, bitter and all we want to do is get revenge. That is exactly what T’Challa wanted to do. So, he spends most of the remainder of the film wanting to get revenge on Bucky Barnes. As it becomes apparent at the end of the film, Barnes was not the killer but Baron Zemo. Now, T’Challa could have taken his revenge out on Zemo, but instead he says something that I thought was quite honorable and very poised as someone who was going to become King of Wakanda. As Tony and Cap and Bucky were fighting, T’Challa has a conversation with Zemo and says to him, “Vengeance has consumed you, it’s consuming them.” He was referring to Tony, Cap and Bucky. He concludes by saying, “I’m done letting it consume me.”54 So even though the enemy has taken from him, he decides in his heart that forgiving and moving on is the best choice.

I’m sure you too have had instances in your life that you wanted to lash out. You wanted to get revenge. You wanted to “take care” of someone or get the vengeance you think you deserve. That’s JUST what the enemy wants. To get you off track, maybe even get you into trouble. It’s not worth it.

Proverbs 15:1 (TPT) says, “Respond gently when you are confronted and you’ll defuse the rage of another. Responding with sharp, cutting words will only make it worse. Don’t you know that being angry can ruin the testimony of even the wisest of men?”

T’Challa was about to become King of Wakanda. Moving in rage and in anger would have been no step for him to take. At the beginning of the movie Black Panther, we see T’Challa heading home to Wakanda. He is to be crowned King of Wakanda and become the Black Panther. A right that is his because he was the son of T’Chaka who was King. He is about to be placed into a position that was made for him. It was his destiny to become King and take his father’s place. We each have a destiny and a purpose that is laid out for us. One that is our right. It was given to us by our Heavenly Father.

Galatians 4:7 (TPT) says, “Now we’re no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being God’s very own sons and daughters! And because we’re His, we can access everything our Father has—for we are heirs of God through Jesus, the Messiah!”

So, the ceremony takes place, and T’Challa becomes King of Wakanda and he takes his place that was meant for him. He is now seated in his purpose and his destiny.

If you have seen the movie Black Panther, you know what happens. T’Challa’s leadership and his rightful place was challenged when Erik Killmonger came into Wakanda. Here is T’Challa doing what he was destined to do, and what happens? The enemy comes to challenge him. The enemy comes to say you’re not good enough. I thought it was interesting that the enemy’s name was KILLmonger.

Because in John 10:10 (TPT) says, “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy...”

T’Challa is in his place and now the enemy has come to steal, destroy and undo and try to take over what was originally his. Can you relate to that? You get to a point in your life where everything “seems” to be going well and all is “right with the world” and then the bottom drops out and the enemy has come into your space and started to wreak havoc! I’ve been there and I’m sure many of you can attest to that as well.

Killmonger challenges T’Challa to the duel to win the title and the throne. T’Challa accepts and fights Killmonger. Unless you have your guard up and your spirit in tune and you have your spiritual ears and eyes open, your enemy will come and challenge you. Did God really say that? Are you sure you’re feeling alright? Do you really know what you are doing? Did you know what those people said about you? You’re a failure. You might as well give up now. Does any of that sound familiar? If you’re not on guard and prayed up, the enemy will take you down.

Yes, what God has for you is yours. It is yours. It belongs to you. But the enemy comes to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY your chances of going any further. You’ve opened the way for him to come in. It doesn’t have to be a big opening. It can be a little bitty opening. The enemy will see it and squeeze his way in. T’Challa fell.

Killmonger stole the throne, he stole the title of Black Panther and took T’Challa’s place. A place that he had no business being in. In the film T’Challa had a conversation with his father. I like to think of that as prayer. When you fall, all you need to do is go to your Heavenly Father and say, “God I messed up. I failed. I fell. I need your help to overcome my enemy and get back on my feet and get back to the place that I belong.” And do you know what God will do? He will pick you up, put you back on your feet, resurrect you and make you new. He will give you a stronger will, and a stronger passion to do what it is you are supposed to be doing.

He will give you the strength, the tools, maybe even the right people to come across your path to encourage you, to fight your enemy and defeat him. Yes, our enemy is defeated, but there are still those times, he comes to do what he does best. Steal, kill and destroy.

But take heart...YOU are an overcomer and YOU CAN defeat your enemy and get back to where you belong.

John 16:33 (TPT) says, “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”

YOU can overcome because HE has overcome. Colossians 1:13 (ESV) says, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.”

T’Challa won the battle between him and Killmonger. He defeated his enemy and took back what the enemy had stolen. You can too. And when you stand up and take it all back, you can shout not “Wakanda Forever” but “Victory Forever!”

If there was one hero that is very literal and can give us the meaning of faith over fear...it’s Matt Murdock or as he is better known as Daredevil. You have probably heard the scripture that says, “Walk by faith and not by sight.” Matt Murdock literally lives that verse. Why? He became blind as a child and has lived his whole life literally walking and living by faith and not by sight. Living life by his other senses, that became strengthened when he lost his sight. By the end of this chapter, I hope that your faith will be bigger than any fear you may have and that you will truly live by faith and not by sight. Matt Murdock grew up in a part of New York City called Hell’s Kitchen. One day as a child he was accidentally blinded by radioactive material. Even though it robbed him of his sight, the radioactivity greatly strengthened his other senses giving him pronounced sonar abilities that enables him to “see” through sound and vibrations. Cool right?

After the death of his father, Matt began learning several kinds of martial arts, learning how to fight and soon began his career as Daredevil. A Daredevil is a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things. After taking on the name Daredevil, Matt was soon to be doing dangerous things. In the comics Daredevil was known as “the man without fear.” Which he pretty much had to be when he was tackling villains more powerful than he was. But keep in mind, apart from his acute sense of hearing, he had NO superpowers. I’d say that’s pretty much a man without fear! Anybody can learn martial arts and become a force to be reckoned with but when combined with courage, superior strength, lightning-quick reactions, these types of men can go on to be champions and heroes and fighters!

There was a “Daredevil” way back in Bible days who was utterly a man without fear. His name was Benaiah. He be- longed to an elite group called David’s Mighty Men! (Sounds like something Stan Lee would write!) You can read his story in 2 Samuel 23 verses 8 and 20. In one particular battle between Israel and Moab, two of Moab’s top fighters...the Bible calls them “lion-like heroes” - charged out. They were fierce and very strong but when they went up against Benaiah, down they went. To go into a battle with no fear, because you know you will win...that’s definitely being one without fear. But at the same time, we face an everyday enemy that continually seeks out to destroy us every single day. But what does the word say about not having fear?

In 2 Timothy 1:7 (Mirror Bible) it says, “Become fully acquainted with His gift in you, there is nothing timid about it; the dynamic of a mind liberated in the spirit of love is fearless and unstoppable!”

Or as you may know it better by, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.” What’s on the inside of us is more powerful than any enemy and we don’t have to give into fear. Because of our faith in Christ... our faith should overcome EVERY fear we might face. Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I just don’t think I can do it?” Imagine the first time Matt Murdock went up against his foe or his enemy. Do you think he was feeling a bit inadequate because of his “disability?” I think we have all felt like that.

Question: Have you ever felt like you were not able to do something because fear got the best of you? How did you overcome it?

Daredevil also teaches us a good lesson on courage. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV) that “We walk by faith and not by sight.” We’re a people who believe in miracles right? God will have us step out in faith even when we don’t see any manifestation of His promise. Talk about faith over fear.

Sometimes it’s hard, but it truly is a step of faith even when we don’t see anything. Matt couldn’t see ANYTHING, but yet lived his life trusting in what he couldn’t see.

Now God may not ask you to go fight a battle blindfolded or go deliberately make yourself blind, but what does God ask of us? Without faith, it’s impossible to please Him. As Christians our lives should be a daily example of living by faith and not by sight. Not believing in what we can see, but what we can’t see.

Faith sees. Faith sees the outcome, fear dwells on the cur- rent situation. Faith sees the final destination. Fear worries about the journey. Faith sees things that are not yet seen and speaks as if though what is not seen is seen. Fear worries and frets over what is not seen and speaks things that are contrary to the word. In many ways I think we are all like Daredevil. We may not see things with our physical eyes, but our faith sees for us and sees where we are going. It sees what the des- tination is. It sees the path to walk even though our physical vision deceives, our spiritual vision perceives.

Think of Abraham when he went to sacrifice his son. THAT is faith. He was going to do whatever it took to please God. God told him to sacrifice Isaac. As hard as that might have been...Abraham trusted God. What happened? Because Abraham had so much faith in God and trusted Him, when he was about to kill his son...God said to Abraham, “Lay not a hand on the boy.” Then God provided the sacrifice. WOW! Close call, right? But I thought it was interesting in the verse when he tells the servants that went along for the journey, he told them, “The boy and I are going to worship and WE will return to you.”

Abraham had no clue what was going to happen, but he said out of his mouth, “WE will return to you.” THAT was faith.

God can lead you too. Even when you can’t see what lies ahead. Isaiah 42:16 (TPT) says, “I will walk the blind by an unknown way and guide them on paths they’ve never traveled. I will smooth their difficult road and make their dark mysteries bright with light. These are things I will do for them, for I will never abandon My beloved ones.”

That’s our God. You don’t have to do life on your own. You may not see everything, but God will never abandon you and He can help you from giving in to fear.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (AMP) says, “It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit—depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm].”

Your life doesn’t have to be driven by fear. It can be faith-driven. That way what you don’t see doesn’t drive you to fear, it drives you to live by faith!

Have you ever been on a road trip or just driving in general and ended up going down the wrong road? Were you following directions? Were you following a map, or were you possibly trying to do things on your own? It ended up costing you extra time, gas money and a big headache because you were lost and didn’t know how to find your way back to where you needed to be. I’m sure we’ve all been there. Taking those wrong turns and shortcuts that we thought would work, sometimes ends up being a bigger mess and a bigger struggle than where we first got off track.

Life at times can be difficult right? We have heartaches, headaches and struggles. We’ve all been there. The thing is, what do we do when life gets hard? Do we run away and hide and put our head in the sand, or do we face the struggle head on and deal with things? I’m almost sure most of us at some point, have done the first one.

We run, hide away and try to cover up the thing that we were dealing with. We change our thinking; we change strate- gy and try NOT to deal with it. But ultimately what happens? That path leads us to destruction and our downfall and we get kicked around knocked out and end up in a BIG mess. This chapter we will talk about our favorite “arrow guy” but not the arrow guy that we all know and love. Clint Barton had a time in his life when he did run and tried to do his own thing. He tried to get away from losing his family, and being isolated from his friends. He even changed his true identity to something that he was not. This chapter we will talk about his short time as the comic character known as Ronin.

The comic storyline of the character Ronin is a bit on the complicated side, so to keep it brief, we will talk about the MCU Ronin. It’s interesting, when I looked up the definition of the word “RONIN” it means: a wandering Samurai who had no lord or master. An outcast or outlaw. Most of the time someone who had been deprived of something or someone. If you will remember, Clint Barton lost his family when the “snap” in Avengers: Infinity War took place. So, Barton went on a killing rampage to get justice and revenge for what Thanos did to his family. He turned in his arrow and bow for a sword and changed his appearance and his identity. Hopefully this chapter will encourage you to stay on target.
Chris Evert was one of the top tennis players in the world in the mid to late 70’s, she was almost unbeatable. But for some reason at one point in her career she changed her strategy, about how she approached her matches and she even started using a different tennis racket. Well...guess what, she started losing a lot, which knocked her out of the rankings. When she finally came to herself and thought this is not working, she went back to the strategy that allowed her to win before and used the tennis racket she was used to...she started winning again and became the top female tennis player once again.

We can’t allow ourselves to change course when we want to. If we get off track, and off target, it ends up being a BIG mess and can lead to destruction and even our demise. Prov- erbs 14:12 (TPT says, “You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction.”

Chris Evert made a HUGE error when she started doing things different. What happened? It led to her losing and basically knocked her out of the race. She was LOSING, because she got off focus and wanted to do it her own way.

Hawkeye even after being an Avenger, went off and did his own thing. He even changed the weapon that he was used to. He turned in his bow and arrow for a sword. Flashback to Avengers: Age of Ultron. He was even questioning his place and if he really fit in with the team. Sound familiar?

We feel like we don’t belong so we isolate ourselves and go do our own thing.

If you remember in Captain America: Civil War, after the Sokovia Accords were signed, Cap asked about Clint and Nat said, “He’s retired.”59 But...what happens? He comes back to help Cap. Stopping first to rescue Wanda from the confinement that Tony has her at the Avengers Compound. Wanda asks, “Clint what are you doing here?” Which he replies, “Disappointing my kids.” He says, “I retire for like 5 minutes and it all goes to”60 ...and well you know the rest. He came back because Cap needed his help. He was doing what he knew was right. Then the big confrontation at the airport in Germany takes place. Clint is there with his bow doing what he knows to be right...or so he thought, and then of course you know he ends up in the RAFT prison with the others who didn’t sign the Accords and Cap springs them out. The next time we hear of Clint is in Avengers: Infinity War, he is on house arrest after the whole thing in Captain America: Civil War. So, the next time we see Clint is at the beginning of Avengers: Endgame when he is with his family on “house arrest,” then it happens, the “snap,” and his family fades away leaving him to wonder what was going on.

After all of the events of Captain America: Civil War, the Accords, and now the tragic loss of his family...it was pretty personal and clear Clint was angry and desperate to find answers which he would not find in his rampage in Tokyo.

He goes on a killing rampage because of Thanos and the loss of his family. If you remember the scene in the street in Tokyo when he is fighting, then the man he is getting ready to kill, says, “I will give you anything.” Clint responds, “What I want you can’t give me.” And then he of course kills him.

I love what happens next. The scene pans around to find Natasha standing there. Clint says, “You shouldn’t be here.” Nat then says, “Neither should you.” Isn’t that just like the way it goes. We get in our mess and those who love us come to our rescue and we tell them we don’t need help. Clint is so determined, that he says it’s his job to kill these people. Nat tells him, “Killing all of these people will not bring your family back.” The scene ends with Nat telling Clint there could be a chance. Clint says, “Don’t give me hope.”

I know I’ve been in a mess before where I just wanted to wallow in my self-pity. We’ve all done that right? BUT we know there is hope and there is light on the other side of the darkness. 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NLT) says, “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!”

I think of the story of Jonah. Here is a prophet of God. God’s Avenger! He tells him to go to Nineveh. What does Jonah do? He does everything but go to Nineveh. Jonah goes and “hides” on some ship, God sends a storm to rock the boat. Boy doesn’t that sound familiar?

We want to do our own thing, but God sends people in our path to talk to us or distract us from us doing what WE WANT to do, so Jonah tells the people on the boat, “Throw me over...God is mad at me.” I’m sure they were a little freaked out by that, but they agree and they throw him over and the storm stops.

Well, if that wasn’t bad enough, then God sends a big ol’ fish to swallow Jonah. THAT will get your attention. So, Jonah spends a few days in the belly of this smelly, stinky, fish. How many of you know when we get swallowed up in our own mess, it’s stinky...smelly and nasty. So, the fish finally spits Jonah out and God tells Jonah once again, “go to Nineveh.” What does Jonah do? He GOES TO NINEVAH!

I would recommend that if God has put you in a place or a position...STAY THERE!

1 Corinthians 7:20 (MSG) says, “Stay where you were when God called your name.” Stay on track. Stay on your current path. Don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked or distracted or angry with where you are at. Even though life may throw you curves and pain and hurt at times. Know that God has an excellent plan for your life.

You may not see it right now, but it’s on the way! Don’t let life’s struggles cause you to get off course or go off and isolate yourself and get yourself in a spot where there is nothing but death and destruction and pain. That is no place to be.

Clint comes back and takes his place once again with his fellow Avengers and they of course complete the task they set out to do. There is victory and the victory can only come through letting go and allowing God to put you back in the place where you belong.

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 If you want to explore discovering your identity more check out this devotional called Finding Me.