June has been designated as pride month and it's everywhere! The question is how, what should Christians do during pride month? How does God view the LGBTQ community and how should we? Dive into that with Josh and Ben!
Questions to consider:
1. What are your moral ethics based on and how did you get them?
2. How does society pressure you to a certain stance on sexuality, sex, and identity?
3. Do you agree with societies perspective on these things?
4. What makes society right or wrong? What makes God right or wrong?
5. How would you help someone understand the Biblical perspective on marriage, sex and sexuality?
6. Take some time to write it out. It helps to already know what you will say when the situation arises.
WANT EVEN MORE FUN? Watch the NEW INSTAGRAM CHALLENGES Josh and Ben try AND be sure to play the new game they invented "One Sound One Shot", post it on IG and tag us! @418app