Romans: Basic Doctrine

Joshua Knudsen

 You can’t share your faith if you don’t know your faith. So over the next few weeks we will be reading through the book of Romans together. Now why is this called basic doctrine? Doctrine is the held teachings of a religion. And Romans gives you the most well rounded look at the Doctrines of Christianity. 

Have you ever walked into room where someone is watching a show and they are like 3 episodes in and it looks really interesting so you sit down and you’re watching and then you start doing that annoying thing. Who is that? Why did they do that? So they have super powers? Wait, whose girlfriend is that? Where did that person come from? But some shows do this really helpful thing before an episode where they give you a recap of the past episodes to catch you up. Now you may not know the nitty gritty of every little thing but you at least know what’s going on. 

This is what we see in Romans. The Apostle Paul is the author of this Letter, it’s a letter not a book, and they believe he wrote it around 56-58 AD. And he’s writing to a divided Church in Rome. They are divided because some of the Christians are non-Jews or gentiles and some of them are Jews and the Jews are still holding on to the old law as the way to be made right with God and the Gentiles are getting a little prideful because they think that they have replaced the Jews as God’s chosen people. So Paul takes the first few chapters of Romans to do the recap and remind them of where they came from, what God is doing, and their equal need for God’s mercy. 


Romans 1:1-13

Paul greets the church In Rome with full confidence of His status, mission, and purpose. He Is a slave to God, called to reach the gentiles (non-Jews) with the GOSPEL of Jesus. Confidence In your calling can only come through surrender and closeness to the one who calls.


Which of those two things do you need to work on more, closeness or surrender?


What steps will you take to make progress In that area?


What does Paul consider Himself to be for God?


Who Is the center of the Good News (Gospel)?

What did Paul want to happen when He visited the church Rome? (12-13)


What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 1:14-26

Paul states the reason He is not ashamed of the Gospel (Good News) is because it has the power to save us from sin! Paul understands that sin Is destructive, it darkens our minds, and ruins the world around us. Living life in our own wisdom will ultimately prove how foolish we are! Bowing to God’s wisdom and ways is truly the way to live life that is full and blessed.


How do you see the world’s wisdom leading them into foolishness?


Do you have trouble seeing sin for what it really is? If so It’s time to repent (change your mind) about sin and God being right. Write a prayer of repentance so you see sin as God does.


What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 1:27-2:7

In these verses, the Apostle Paul breaks down how bad things get when we do things our way instead of God’s way. We see this happening in our world today, but it has been happening since sin polluted the world! BUT, we also see the goodness of God shine through. Death is the deserved penalty for sin but the patience and mercy of God does not give us what we deserve right away. He waits in hopes that we will repent so that He can forgive us.


Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just punish “evil-doers”?

Would you put yourself in the “evil-doer” category? Why or why not?


Read verses 1:28-29 again and write down any sins that might put you in that category.


​Take time to thank God for His mercy towards you!

Romans 2:8-21

The writer is quick to keep people from judging others. He wants us Instead to be quick In acknowledging our own sin. Even our secret sins will be judged! Nothing can be kept from God. Isn’t God so good that even in knowing our secret sins, secret thoughts, and things you would never want anyone to know, HE STILL LOVES YOU.


In verse 8, who is God’s anger poured out on?


Why do you think living for yourself is such an affront to God?


What does it look like in your own life to live for God and not for yourself? Be specific.


​What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 2:22-3:6

“You’re the reason they don’t believe In God!” Could you imagine that being said of you? Could it be said about you? Paul, let’s the Jews know that the Gentiles (non-Jews) reject God because they aren’t following the very rules they say must be followed in order to be right with God. If you’re not going to do it, why would they?

    The Apostle then turns his attention to some dumb theology. “Sinning is good because then people get to see how forgiving God is!” Paul is quick to let them know that this isn’t going to fly. He makes a statement that should help us when we have doubts about how God does things. He says that God is “entirely fair” (v.6). We may not understand what or why God is doing what He’s doing, but we can trust His character.


What’s an area where you have questioned how God does something?


How can what you’ve been reading in Romans help you with understanding God’s character to bring you peace in your questions?


Look at Romans 3:3. How would you answer someone who says they don’t go to church because because it’s full of hypocrites?


​What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 3:7-18

People are basically good, right? That’s not what we see in God’s Truth! People are basically bad and it’s only the spark of God’s Image that allows us to do anything good at all! EVERYONE sins. EVERYONE wants to do things their own way. EVERYONE deserves to be judged for their sin. But God loves EVERYONE!


Why do you think people want to believe everyone Is basically good?


What can we see in life that proves this wrong? (Think about babies)


Why Is God Just (fair) in judging everyone?



How is God’s goodness displayed in light of this?


​What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 3:19-31

It’s hard to trust someone who doesn’t consistently do what is right even when it’s hard. Because God is ALWAYS just, we can trust Him to be good! Because He is LOVE, He made a way for the payment we deserved to pay, death, to be paid while maintaining His justness. HOW? Substitutionary (substitute) Atonement (payment)! He put on Jesus, the payment that we deserved to pay. Jesus did it for us! He saved us! He died for us! He loved us enough to die and the Father loved us enough to make a way. YOU deserved death, and Jesus took it. You deserved to be punished, and Jesus took it. Let this cause you to love Him with your entire life!


Take a moment to really think about the fact that you deserved death...but Jesus took it for you.


How does it make you feel?


Take time and write a prayer of thanks to God for making a way for you to escape the penalty of sin, be made righteous and that you can trust Him.


​What did Holy Spirit Show you :

Romans 4:1-8

Father Abraham. Maybe you’ve heard of Him? He is known as the Father of the Faith and not just one faith but two! He is the founder of the Jewish people and from him comes the Christian faith. What we discover about Abraham is that Abraham had FAITH. Faith is the steadfast belief in something or someone. Abraham received a promise from God that He would be given a land for his descendants and that his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky! At this word from God, Abraham left family, friends, comforts and security and began the journey following God one step at a time. And because of this, it made him righteous! (In right relationship with God.) It wasn’t something He did but that he believed God.

And this is how salvation works for you too! It’s not about what you do, achieve, or know. It’s about having faith that Jesus’ death on the cross was enough to pay for your sin and make you righteous. This is the good news of the GOSPEL!


Why do you think God makes salvation about faith and not about what you do?


How can pride keep us from enjoying salvation?


Take a moment to write a prayer of thanks to God that you didn’t have work for your salvation.

Romans 4:9-14

You might be wondering, “why all the talk about circumcision?” Because the Jews (who had to be circumcised by Jewish law) that Paul is writing to are looking down on the non-Jews Paul is writing to because they aren’t circumcised. They are adding something to the Gospel. A work. “You have to do this in order to be saved!”, they are telling them. But Abraham proves otherwise. He was found righteous with God as soon as he believed. As soon as he took that step. The circumcision was outward proof that he now belonged to God.

What’s this have to do with you? Be careful not to add ANYTHING to the good news of Jesus. You don’t have to fix yourself up first. You don’t have to become a good person first or go to church first or wear the right stuff. You just have to believe that Jesus is enough and put your faith in HIS ability to save you from everything else.


What is something you or people you know may add to the Gospel?


Why do you think we are tempted to add things to it?



If you have put your faith in Jesus, what does that make Abraham to you according to verse 12?


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 4:15-25

Did Paul lie? Paul makes a statement that Abraham never wavered in his faith that God would fulfill His promise to Him. But, If you look In Genesis, It appears that he does. What we see is God’s perspective of Abraham’s faith and yours! Abraham never wavered in his faith in such a way that he stopped moving forward with God. That he stopped and turned around. Did God have to remind him? Yes! Did He try and do it in his own strength? Yes! But in his bumps and mess ups, he always returned back to a place of faith and so God declares Abraham faithful and righteous!


What about you? Are you struggling to believe but still holding on?


Based on these verses, what do you think God is saying to you?



Write a prayer telling God you will continue to have faith in the middle of your struggle. Sit quietly and let Him remind you of His promises.

Romans 5:1-5

Paul now begins to explain to the people that because we now are in a right relationship with God, we get certain benefits or privileges. And one of those privileges is that our problems always have a purpose. You will never struggle pointlessly!

Look at what we get through struggle. 1. Endurance: the ability to withstand getting tired. 2. Character: the ability to think and live right even in the middle of persecution and hard times. 3. Confident Hope in your salvation: as you mature spiritually you will understand more and more how good God is and that He will help you, keep you and loves you.  Your pain has a purpose!


Stop and think about that. “Because of Jesus, even my pain has a purpose”. What comes to mind as you process that?


What are you struggling with right now that you are trying to figure out the reason?


Right down which step you’re developing now, endurance, character, or hope?


Commit to God to stay in it so you can go to the next level with Him!


What did Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 5:6-11

Sin. Why is it so bad? Why does it matter enough for Jesus to die? For people to go to hell. Sin is more than cussing, lying or giving your parents an attitude. Sin is rebellion against the KING. It is rejection of His ways and the decision to install ourselves as gods. Sin is TREASON! As a matter of fact, Paul says that we are God’s enemies! This is crazy! You might die for a family member, maybe for a stranger or a really good person, but would you die for an enemy???God loves you so much that’s exactly what happened. Jesus (God the Son) died on the cross for His enemies so that we could be brought back into relationship with The Father. You were bad. God is good. He saved you.


Take a moment and give Him thanks right now for loving you enough to save you.


How did you look at sin in the past?



Explain why sin is so bad and has such a harsh punishment.


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 5:12-17

Domino effect. Unintended consequences. This is how we ended up in this situation. Because Adam sinned and because he was the first man, guardian, representative and priest of the Garden, he opened the door to sin which entered the world and began it’s destructive march through creation including us. Because of this, we are all born with a sin nature. Through one man, Adam sin entered the world. BUT, through JESUS the God/Man, He broke the power of sin and made it so we could be free and back in relationship with The Father again.


According to verse 17, which is greater, sin or the grace of God?


Why did Jesus have to come as a human?


What will you choose to live from, the place of God’s grace or the old sin you were stuck in. Write your decision to make It official.


What did Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 5:18-21

Paul helps the Gentiles who didn’t have the law understand the importance of it while showing the Jews that it’s not what makes you righteous. The law is there to show you that you sin and need a savior. Without the law we would never know how messed up we were. We would think we were swimming when we were really drowning! The more people tried to keep the law the more they realized they couldn’t on their own, but God didn’t let them stay there. His grace and forgiveness through Jesus is more than enough to pay for and wash away your sin. Don’t let sin rule over you anymore, let it be God’s grace!


Have you ever felt like you’ve sinned too much or you’re too bad?


How does the world try to get rid of their sin?


Does that actually work or just sweep the dirt under the rug?


How will it look for you to live under God’s grace Instead of under sin?


What did Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 6:1-14

Have you ever been shocked over how horribly someone can misunderstand something? Paul is having one of these moments. Some people are saying that sinning really is a good thing because it shows God’s grace when He forgives us. “THAT’S INSANE,” Paul is thinking! Jesus death and resurrection defeated sin so that we don’t have to sin. Sin is no longer our master so why would we bow down to it?

YOU have been freed from the power of sin. You now live under the freedom of God’s grace. Enjoy being free. Say no to sin.


In verses 3-8 it talks about the supernatural power of baptism. What happens when we get baptized?

Have you been baptized? If not, what’s holding you back?


What does it mean that you should consider yourself dead to sin? (v11)


In verses 12-14, how does it convey how we live free from sin?


Write down what that looks like for you right now.

Romans 6:15-23

Jesus set us free from slavery to sin which means that you now get to choose who you will serve. You don’t get to choose to serve someone, you will. The question is, whom you will serve? But, since you’re free, why would you go back to the old master, sin? It brings guilt, shame, pain, destruction, and ultimately hell.


Now you’re free to live righteously with your whole heart! This leads to peace, joy, fulfillment and making an impact on the world.


What does being a slave to sin lead to? What does being a slave to God lead to?


Why do we as Christians still choose to sin?


What should we give ourselves to instead?


Memorize Romans 6:23 (this is a key verse in the Bible.)


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 7:1-13

Remember the big fight? The one between the Jews and the Gentiles about if the law was needed? We are back to that. Paul compares the law to a husband, and how a wife can’t just marry someone else. That’s adultery. BUT, if he dies then she’s free to marry. When we die with Christ, we actually die to the requirement to keep the law and trying to obey God in our own power but we can obey Him through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us.


What did the law do that helps us see our need for a savior?


How did “sin” use the law to cause death?


Verse 12 says that the law is ____________________________ but because we can’t keep It brings death so we need a SAVIOR!

Romans 7:14-25

You’ve seen the cartoons. A person Is trying to decide what to do. They have good choice and a bad choice and on their shoulder Is an angel and a devil tyring to convince them of what they shoudl do. This how life can feel and Paul knows It all to well. Don’t be surprised that the battle Is there. As a matter of fact, If there was no battle It would mean that the Holy Spirit wasn’t In you! The battle means you have the power to say no! How? Paul gives the answer: “The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”


How does It make you feel to know that your battle Is a sign of your salvation?


Have you ever felt tormented by the battle Inside? Write a quick example.


Take a moment to thank Jesus for being the answer!



What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 8:1-17

This is one of the most powerful and encouraging chapters in the Bible. First, Paul reminds you that you are no longer condemned because you are in Christ. You don’t have to live in guilt or regret because of your past sins! Then he says that if you want to live a new life, you must change how and what you think about. Let the Holy Spirit control you mind because here you will find life and peace! Then to top it off he reminds us that we aren’t just Christians but CHILDREN. We are Children of God. He is our Father because His Spirit lives within us.


In Verses 1-4, why does it say Jesus had to die?


What would it look like for you to let the Holy Spirit control your thoughts?


According to verse 14-16, what makes you a child of God?


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 8:18-30​

A common misconception is that if you follow Jesus then you shouldn’t have any problems. But the reality is that if Jesus suffered, we will also endure trials, but just like Jesus who overcame it we can too. He gives us the Holy Spirit to empower us and to help us pray. And then we get the promise of all promises: And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (v. 28) When you follow Jesus, you are assured that everything will work together for your good!


How can you use the promise of Romans 8:28 to remain hopeful in the middle of problems?


According to v. 29 what is the greatest good we have been destined for?


Read vs. 26-27 and ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray.


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 8:31-39​

Can anything separate you from the love of God? NO! Do your problems mean He has stopped loving you? NO! As a matter of fact “despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (v.37) In Christ you have the victory always! Don’t let a fear of the present or worry for the future cause you to shrink back In fear. YOU ARE VICTORIOUS!


Take some time to ponder God’s love. Read vs. 35 again. Give thanks.


What does victory look like in your life despite your problems?



What did God show you through these verses?


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 9:1-16

In Chapter 9 we dive Into some deep theological questions. Why did God choose Jacob over Esau? Who really are God’s chosen people? Paul Is trying to get the Jews and Gentiles to both see that’s not about your race, but God’s grace! Jacob did nothing to deserve to be chosen as the line through which the messiah would come. In the same way, God can save whoever He wants! Jew, gentile, thief or the person who helps In the soup kitchen for the poor. It’s not your works that make you worthy.


Why does a works based salvation create uncertainty?


Have you ever wondered how God could save some of the worst people? Do you think this means you believe only relatively good peopel can be saved?



What did the Holy Spirit show you?

Romans 9:17-33


Many people have confused Paul’s point of these verses. His point isn’t that God is just picking some people and not others to be saved. Notice that he uses Pharaoh as an example. In Exodus 8:15 you will see that Pharaoh first hardened his heart against God and then eventually God hardened Pharaohs heart. God was patient with him because He loves people, but in the end, God gave Pharaoh what He demanded.


Are you living in rebellion against God?



If God were to give you what you really want, would it help you or hurt you?


Have you ever stopped to think that God Is rescuing you from yourself and your desire? Take time to think about it and give God thanks.


What did the Holy Spirit show you? 

Romans 10:1-16

These verses have hidden In them some of the most Informative verses on how to be saved. Verses 9 and 10 let us know what we are to believe and what we are to do. The biggest question Is have you? Take time to think about these verses and what If you have taken these steps.


You do you need to confess?


What do you need to believe?


What does believing do?


How are you saved?

Romans 10:17-11:6

Do you like second chances? Third? Fourth? Paul is letting the Jews in Rome know how much time and prophets and opportunities God gave them to accept Jesus. And since they won’t he calls the non-jews and they respond! We also see the need to preach the Gospel, so that everyone has the chance to choose him!


Who are you sharing the Gospel with or Praying for right now?



Have you stopped reaching out to them after 1 or 2 rejections?


Take time now to pray for that person and ask God for His plan on how to reach them.

Romans 11:7-36

Paul now addresses the gentiles. “Don’t get prideful”. Yes God has chosen to make you a part of this great plan, but It doesn’t make you better than them and It doesn’t mean they can’t come back! Pray for them to return. Love them. You didn’t save yourself, so you can’t claim the glory. God did it.


Have you ever felt pride that you’re saved or that you act better than people who aren’t?


Does your salvation cause you to worship God for His goodness?


Take time now to do it!

Romans 12:1-21

These 21 verses are defining to your Christian walk! First, Paul explains to the believers that because of God’s great mercy for them to worship God by surrendering their very bodies to Him; to live for Jesus. And they do this by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform the way they think from the world’s way to God’s way. If you want to live differently, you must allow the Holy Spirit to help you think differently. This involves being in the Word, listening for His voice and submitting to spiritual leaders who love you and will speak into your life. Jesus died as a sacrifice for us.

What kind of sacrifice are we called to be?

In verses 3-13 Paul shows how we should live in community with each other by using our gifts to serve. What gifts do you have and how are you using them for the body of Christ?


In verses 14-21, We see that even the way we handle conflict should look different. Write down verse 21 and commit it to memory.


What did the Holy Spirit show you?

Romans 13:1-14

In verses 12-14, we see some fascinating imagery. We are told to “remove dark deeds like dirty clothes” and then “clothe yourself with the presence of ...Christ”. Changing clothes is intentional! This means changing our actions from darkness to light Is Intentional. It means that we choose to think differently. We don’t just let life happen to us, we pre-decide how we will think, who we will be, what we will do. The Holy Spirit then begins to change our desires.


What is a sin or “dark deed” that you are struggling to take off?


What can you choose to do now or in the future that is an action opposite to what you’re struggling with? This is how you will begin changing “clothes”.


Right now begin the practice of putting on the presence of Christ. Give Him thanks for being with you. Invite Him in to your decisions, choices and thoughts.




Romans 14:1-23

Ok let’s get back to who Paul Is talking to. Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). They have different cultures, different laws they have lived by and It’s causing some huge problems. The Jews are still connected to their feasts, dietary laws, and the Sabbath laws. The Gentiles never had that, got saved and see no reason to have them now. So, what do we do when we think we are right and someone else Is wrong? Judge them of course! Look down on them. Think they are less then. We forget to love them! Paul says, don’t judge someone because their convictions are different than yours, but also, If you know someone struggles with an area you feel free In, don’t rub It In their face. Love Is the key!

Do you have anyone In your life that Is a fellow Christian, but you feel differently about what you’re allowed to do as a Christian?


How can you love someone In your freedom even If you don’t agree?


Paraphrase Romans 14:20 with a modern scenario and verbiage.

Romans 15:1-16

Today race is a hot topic. It can lead people to yelling, fighting, and even breaking off relationship with each other. But here we see God’s desire, all people following Him in unity and as a family. We are all made in the image of God. He desires all to be saved. In heaven every “nation and language” will be there. Race should never be an area of division. We should love and honor ever person and celebrate the diverse beauty God has placed on each person.

Have you ever looked down or judged someone because of their ethnicity or race?


Prejudice (pre-judgement) can creep up when we least expect it. Think of a time when you pre-judged someone and turned out to be wrong. Write it down.


How can you guard against feeling superior to others and that your way or race is the better than others?

Romans 15:17-33

Paul was purpose driven. BUT, it wasn’t his purpose but God’s. He had ambition but not selfish ambition. He was driven, but not by self promotion. So often we will take the drive and ambition God intends for us to have for building His Kingdom and use it to build our own and then ask Him to bless it. Although your ambitions and His can coincide, you will only ever find full satisfaction and fulfillment when you are intent on advancing His Kingdom over your own.

What are you passionate about doing?


Do you know If this Is a good passion or a God passion?


Take time to really talk to God about what His desires are for you, If your desires are His desires and what He has for you. Commit to build His Kingdom over yours!

Romans 16:1-27

The importance of honor. Paul gives shoutouts to so many people who are in the trenches with Him. He doesn’t take all the credit for Himself. He wants everyone to know this is a team effort. We live in a culture that tells us to take the glory, make sure you’re seen, promote yourself, get more followers! But This is not God’s Kingdom. People of the Kingdom honor each other and view others as more important than themselves.

On a scale of 1-10 how do you do with honoring people verbally?


How often do you thank people for what they’ve done for you?


Think through who you can bless and honor this week. I guarantee they will be blessed and so will you!