Follow Me- What it means to follow Jesus

Pastor Chris Cox- @Chriscoxspeakz

Day 1

 Matthew 16:24

What does it mean to you to deny yourself and take up your cross? 

What are some areas you can lay down and pursue God more?

Everyone is on their own walk with God, if you had to describe where you are at currently would you say you know about God, believe in God, or are following God?

Day 2

 What is sacrifice?

Matthew 16:25

Where is somewhere in your life that God is asking you to lay down? 

God would never ask us to lay down the best because it is God who has the best for us, if God is calling you to it you can be sure it is what is better!

Day 3

Walking out being a follower of Jesus can be intimidating sometimes... What are some areas of your life with Jesus that feel scary?

God will never call us out into unknown territory and not walk with us in it. Psalm 37:23-24 shows us that he is in it with us.

Day 4

Matthew 26:58

Where is somewhere in your life that you can be bolder for God? 

Being bold for God doesn’t always mean that you are announcing to the world that God is real... sometimes it can be praying for someone when they come to you with a problem, sometimes it can be standing up for someone else, and the simplest way is by loving people.

How can you be bolder for God this week?

Day 5

Matthew 28:18

Jesus tells us “go and make disciples” who in your life are you sharing Jesus with?

Spend some time and ask God what gifts he has instilled in you... After that, ask Him how he wants to use your talents and abilities... And lastly, ask Him to help you in carrying out the mission of making disciples