Walking In The Spirit- Kailey Olson

Kailey Olson


Day 1:

Read: Galatians 5:16-25

  1. How does reading and studying scripture help us in knowing God?

  2. How would studying scripture to learn more about God play a role in learning how to walk in the Spirit?

Day 2:

Read: Galatians 5:18-21

  1. Based on what we read yesterday and today, what's the difference between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit?

  2. The Bible has been described before as a mirror for us to look at things through. When the Bible has been described as a mirror it means it allows us to reflect on our lives and consider if our lives line up with scripture. With all that being said, how do today's verses allow us to reflect on our lives and how we live? 

Day 3.

Read: Galatians 5:22-23

  1. In the same way that I asked yesterday, how do today’s verses help us to reflect on our lives and our walk with God? 

  2. The fruits of the spirit are traits of someone walking in the spirit, and are evidence of the Holy Spirit transforming and changing our hearts from who we used to be before Jesus to who we are becoming now living in relationship with Jesus. In knowing this, oftentimes when we think of the fruits of the spirit we think of them in relation to ourselves or other believers, but since they are called the fruits of the spirit, meaning God’s Holy Spirit, how do you think these traits reveal God’s perfect character?


Day 4.

Read: Galatians 5:24-25

  1. In verse 24 of today's reading, it says, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”.  When studying for this devo and looking into the meaning of each verse I found an article that explained verse 24 quite beautifully. Here is a quote from that article, from bibleref.com, “Those who truly understand what it means to trust in Christ's death on the cross to pay for their sins, understand how destructive their sins truly are...That's why Paul writes that those who belong to Christ gave up trying to defeat their sin on their own. Instead, with gratitude, we performed a kind of execution of our sinful desires when we trusted Christ to die for them. We gave up the right to keep holding on to our sin and indulging in it and enjoying it…We may sometimes still give in to our desire to sin, but Christians are no longer people controlled by our sin. We have agreed sin is worthless, and we have declared, in Christ, our intention to move, with Him, away from sin using God's power.”

            After reading this, how does it make you think of your sin in relation to the cross? How does this show the true power that Jesus’s death and resurrection has over sin? And lastly how does this better illustrate the power of the Holy Spirit working in you to not only kill sin, but to walk closer with God.

We are so glad you finished this devotional. Great job! Check out Kailey's other devotional, Know God: His Holiness and You. 

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